Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Productivity Must Dos In Your Life

Heuristics are rules intended to help you solve problems. When a problem is large or complex, and the optimal solution is unclear, applying a heuristic allows you to begin making progress towards a solution even though you can't visualize the entire path from your starting point. Heuristics have many practical applications, and one of my favorite areas of application is personal productivity. Suppose your goal is to climb to the peak of a mountain, but there's no trail to follow. An example of a heuristic would be: Head directly towards the peak until you reach an obstacle you can't cross. Whenever you reach such an obstacle, follow it around to the right until you're able to head towards the peak once again. This isn't the most intelligent or comprehensive heuristic, but in many cases it will work just fine, and you'll eventually reach the peak.

Heuristics don't guarantee you'll find the optimal solution, nor do they generally guarantee a solution at all. But they do a good enough job of solving certain types of problems to be useful. Their strength is that they break the deadlock of indecision and get you into action. As you take action you begin to explore the solution space, which deepens your understanding of the problem. As you gain knowledge about the problem, you can make course corrections along the way, gradually improving your chances of finding a solution. If you try to solve a problem you don't initially know how to solve, you'll often figure out a solution as you go, one you never could have imagined until you started moving. This is especially true with creative work such as software development. Often you don't even know exactly what you're trying to build until you start building it.

Productivity heuristics are behavioral rules (some general, some situation-specific) that can help us get things done more efficiently. Here are some of my favorites:

Worst first. To defeat procrastination learn to tackle your most unpleasant task first thing in the morning instead of delaying it until later in the day. This small victory will set the tone for a very productive day.

Mini-milestones. When you begin a task, identify the target you must reach before you can stop working. For example, when working on a book, you could decide not to get up until you've written at least 1000 words. Hit your target no matter what.

Agendas. Provide clear written agendas to meeting participants in advance. This greatly improves meeting focus and efficiency. You can use it for phone calls too.

Punctuality. Whatever it takes, show up on time. Arrive early.

Quad 2. Separate the truly important tasks from the merely urgent. Allocate blocks of time to work on the critical Quadrant 2 tasks, those which are important but rarely urgent, such as physical exercise, writing a book, and finding a relationship partner.

Delegate. Convince someone else to do it for you.

Intuition. Go with your gut instinct. It's probably right.

Gratitude. When someone does you a good turn, send a thank-you card. That's a real card, not an e-card. This is rare and memorable, and the people you thank will be eager to bring you more opportunities.

Mastermind. Run your problem past someone else, preferably a group of people. Invite all the advice, feedback, and constructive criticism you can handle.

Music. Experiment to discover how music may boost your productivity. Try fast-paced music for email, classical or new age for project work, and total silence for high-concentration creative work.

For more information on how to improve your life, check out this site:
Another article i'm sure you'll like is the Ultimate Game Of Life Review:

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