Friday, April 19, 2013

Easy Tips To Approach Women

There are all kinds of formulas and clever ways for approaching women out there. The easiest and most reliable way is to approach women with sincerity, a bit of creativity, and courage. Here's how.

Approaching Women with Your Eyes First

You can save yourself a lot trouble by approaching women with your eyes first whenever possible. Let me get this out of the way up front. I am not talking about staring or sexually suggestive looks. Besides being rude and inappropriate, these behaviors make women uncomfortable. I am talking about a casual, relaxed, and friendly look. Repeated looks are okay as long as you haven't gotten any negative reaction from them. If you do, you should stop. You can check back a few times later, however, to see if they might have thought about it and changed their mind. If you get the same negative response, move on! Sometimes you can get an idea about a woman's present state-of-mind and her initial impression of you by getting eye contact with her. I say sometimes because some women do not have the self-confidence and courage to look back at you and respond in any clear manner whatsoever. There's a fine line here in both cases. In either situation you must really zero in on their subtle reactions to your efforts to make eye contact with them. This would include their facial reactions and body language. You must active all your senses to decide if it's a go or pass situation. Are they playing it cool or being cool towards you? Are they being shy or trying to shine you on? Are they interested in meeting you or are they more interested in the conversation they are having with their girlfriend. Under the right conditions, approaching women with your eyes can save you lots of time, discomfort, and sometimes money.

Find a Mutual Point of Interest

You can take the pressure off yourself about what you are going to say when approaching women by finding something interesting in the environment you share to comment to her about. Your target should be something that might be of interest to her as well as yourself or something that demonstrates the kind of person that you are. When you show them who you are through your comments you can determine immediately whether you have any basis for a relationship or even a good conversation. Whether you are in a familiar environment or not there is always something interesting you can find to talk about. In fact, the excitement of being in unfamiliar surroundings can lead to some new conversation starters. The key is to find something that sincerely interests YOU! When you do that, you can focus your attention on what interests you and not on how you're going to go about meeting someone. It also takes the pressure off the woman. All of this can lead to a relaxed and natural conversation. Then if the chemistry is right, you might find yourselves having a great time on the dance floor without having experienced all the usual awkwardness in between. Approaching women in this way not only takes some of the pressure off but it can also lead to interactions that are more successful.

Approaching Women Decisively & Courageously

Plan exactly what you are going to say to them in advance. Are you going to start with a comment or question as discussed above? Or are you just going to ask them to dance? By the way, asking someone to dance is a great icebreaker. Whatever your choice, make up your mind that you are going to walk over to her, say what you had planned, and simply wait for her reaction without any concern of what it might be. After all, there are billions of fish in the sea! If her reaction is negative or unclear, simply give her a pleasant and courteous nod, turn, and walk away. Don't linger, don't try to persuade her, and certainly don't beg! There is a chance she may change her mind after she thinks about your interaction, so check back later if you feel inclined to do so. You might check back by trying to get eye contact with her for a moment! If you get a negative response, move on!

The more you do it the better you'll get at approaching women. Proceed with sincerity and courage and you will eventually find the woman of your dreams!

For more information about dating and sex, check out this site:
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