Friday, April 26, 2013

If You Want to Keep Him, Don't Do This

If something is worth having, it's certainly worth fighting for.. That is particularly real in the dating game. So why do women still believe that the right guy will magically arrive, and love will suddenly take place? A woman needs to understand some important facts before she decides to date a guy. Unfortunately, one false or misunderstood step could sabotage the whole relationship. Here are three usual errors you must to steer clear of at the onset of a connection if you wish to hang on to your guy.

Error 1-- When you are not being your very own self

Too many women forget where they stand in a relationship. Believe it or not, you've got to put yourself first. Placing yourself second in the relationship is a mistake. Too many women forget who they are, giving up any power they may have. If a relationship is worth the effort you're willing to put into it, you have to value what you bring to the table.

Blunder 2-- No matter how much you want to take care of him, he needs a girlfriend, not a mother

Why do so many females believe they have to look after their man? Sure, we are the caring sex, it's in our genetic makeup. However doing excessively much for your man will eventually make them feel like a kid. Gradually he'll begin to resent you. So permit him to take command. So, for example, if he wants to pick you up on the next date, allow him do it. Even if you are a much better driver. Accept that he'll deliver you to your destination. Don't ever order his food for him when you dine out. He's a big boy and can order for himself. Don't worry if he doesn't make the healthiest choices. Do not ask your man if he needs a coat. He can make that decision on his own.

Understand? Love him like a lover, not a mother!

Error 3-- You've got to go after what you want

If you think Mr. Right is going to show up at our doorstep just because you are waiting for him, then you're going to have a pretty long wait. Who has that kind of time to wait? You need to go after exactly what you desire. Sure this thought makes you nauseous and nervous. Just keep that little fact a secret. No one needs to know that you're shaking in your boots. Mr. Wonderful is out there somewhere, all you have to do is get out there and find him. Get on out there. The search is all part of the fun. Live your life to the ultimate.

The dating ritual and relationships are complicated human connections. Unfortunately, we get most of our training from movies, TV and magazines. No wonder our expectations are so high and our disappointments so many. Life is genuine. Just keep these guidelines in mind and you'll lessen the chances of missing the one guy worth finding.

For more another great article on how to keep your guy, check out this article: Here's another article you'll like:

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