Saturday, April 27, 2013

Heed These Four Tips for Fruitful Dating

If you are worried that it's too difficult to get a man drawn to you, and then have that attraction turn into a marriage commitment, have no worry. Acquiring love is easier if you practice some key pieces of advice. Check out these proven tips below:

Tip #1: Be The Person You Want Him to Be:

You can only attain this end if you really recognize exactly what you want. When you figure out what it is you are attracted to, start displaying those characteristics in yourself. What will happen is the Law of Attraction will take over, and you will begin to attract the very same attributes that you are attracted to.

What does it take to identify what you really want? WelllSee the following...

• Say you are attracted to men with a super sense of humor and really good listeners. If you want this, then you have to assume a great sense of humor and become a really good listener.

• If you want a person who is loyal and truthful, then you have to show those traits yourself in your dealings with others.

What you want in your mate is what you have to be prepared to be. Once you figure this out, you'll start attracting the perfect mate.

Tip #2: Don't Squander Your Time With The Wrong Guy :

You don't have to date every guy out there until you find the right one. This will just set you up for disappointment. Rather, decide what exactly you want in a match and stick to your values. Here are some things you should think about:

• Can you recognize some things that, no matter what, you will not be able to sacrifice?

• Are there some things not quite as important that you can give in on?

• How important to you is honesty?

• What will happen if he lies?

• Do you like masculine or sensitive?

• Do you prefer strong and athletic, or well educated and experienced?

• Are children a deal breaker?

This is just a preview list. Sit down and think of your own must haves and not so important haves. Knowing what you want will spare you time and heartache.

Tip #3: Don't ever take less!

It's OK to be choosy when it comes to your life companion.

Why should you even think about of settling for somebody that does not satisfy your criteria? If you accept less than what you really want, you'll only regret it in the future.

So stop spending your sweet time in relationships that won't satisfy you. Your heart will tell you if he's the right guy for you. You can't will it to happen.

Your odds of finding lasting love will be better if you first decide what it is you want.

Final Tip:

We can easily mislead ourselves into blowing our best years on a guy who was never suitable from the start. When you consider the investment of time, it's all the more easy to continue to remain in the wrong relationship. There's no happy ending with this situation.

If, from the onset, you determine what you can and can't take from a potential mate, you'll ultimately find yourself attracting him. Let any man go if he can't make the cut. Move forward to find the one who can live up to your standards.

Finding the perfect mate is not too hard if you approach it realistically. Eliminate those that don't meet your standards until you find the one who does. You'll eventually strike gold!

For another great article on dating check this out: Here's another article you will like:

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