Sunday, April 7, 2013

Development Goals For Work - Focus The Key to Success

Copyright (c) 2013 Wyatt Mann

Are development goals for work important, and does setting a goal really work? Let's look at the idea of development goals for work with a quick story about the power of focusing on a goal.

"It's a beatiful Friday! You have had a great morning, nine of the ten things on your list are complete! It's only 2:00 pm, as you look out the window you see that it's a near perfect day! With any luck, you just might get out of here by 4:00 pm and have a few minutes to enjoy this warm weather!

You day dreaming your free time this afternoon, as you snap out of it and start working on that quarterly report that has been hanging over your head all month. You focus on the report you are working on. Time seems to stand still for a bit. When you look up at the clock it's 3:55pm, that quarterly report that usually takes you three to five hours is done in two hours. You sit back in your chair and smile as you realize something special just happened, and now you get to spend time outside in that beautiful weather!"

All of us can relate to that story, some of us have lived it. Why were they able to get that report done so fast? They set a goal of getting it knocked out so they could go enjoy the good weather! Development goals for work, can make all of us better employees, and better people.

Focus on important tasks, set realistic goals that make you to focus on one thing for a specific amount of time and you will get more done.

On a spring day you go out and feel the warmth of Sunlight on your skin. The Sunlight is warming everything it touches, if you focus that light under a magnifying glass, you can ignite a piece of tissue paper or burn your skin. Focus it more and magnify it thousands of time and you have a laser that can cut through metal and steel.

All of us are remarkable like similar, and that is why we need to have development goals for work. Everyone is busy, and most of us just lightly touch the majority of things in our lives both professionally and personally. How many plates can I keep spinning? The problem with this approach is that it do not allow us to focus on any one thing long enough to have an impact.

Sit down and write a list of development goals for work. They might be ways you can manage your time better, or more how you can development a new skill that will help you get promoted. The point is all of us know that we could be better, better people, better spouses, better employees, better entrepreneurs, better.

By creating development goals for work, consistently focusing on those development goals for work and pushing yourself to be better. You'll find yourself out enjoying those top ten days more often instead of plodding through those quarterly reports that are taking you four to five hours to get done.

Focus is crucial to success, development goals for work, and the motivation to get things done makes all the difference. Even if you feel like, or if you have been diagnosed with ADHD, you can learn to focus on your goals and be the successful person you know you can be!

Don't waste another minute, set some development goals for work, and start getting important things done!

For more information about how to get focused and achieve your personal and professional goals, check out this site, . Another article about the importance of focusing on your goals is also at, .

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