Monday, December 31, 2012

Improve Self Esteem By Loving Yourself

When you want to improve self esteem, you need to increase your self perception. Perception is an immediate recognition or appreciation and when you apply this to yourself, you will improve self esteem. When you gauge your self esteem, you should base it on what you believe, what you love and not what you have.

Loving yourself is the way to improve self esteem. List the things where you believe that you have an important role to play in your life and in others lives. If people around you can see that you value yourself then they will give the same value to you and even better.

Learn to trust yourself. Oftentimes, we think that we can't do some tasks most people can and this is because we lack self trust. You are almost half done with the task when you trust yourself. Improve your self esteem by getting rid of doubts that are holding you back from performing your best potential.

You are unique. Always believe that you are unique and you have your own unique talents and capabilities that can diversely contribute to the world. If you do what you love, you may increase your self esteem. Being an expert on the things that you love can actually add more to your knowledge and experience thus a great way to improve self esteem.

Challenge yourself. If you haven't done an activity that you really like, challenge yourself to do it. This way, you can test your self confidence and you can positively change it. For example, exercise; set a goal that you can finish an actual 1 hour of exercise and you will be amazed with your self if you achieve your goal. Pushing yourself means building trust in your capabilities.

It may not be easy to improve self esteem instantly however taking one step at a time is a sure way to achieve your goal. When you need more push try using subliminal audio tool, it contains a lot of positive affirmations and these can motivate you to improve self esteem. Subliminal audio releases subliminal messages that target your subconscious mind. This is more effective when you listen to it while you are asleep. When you wake up, you will be amazed how energetic you are to take the steps to improve your self esteem. Remember, love yourself and everything will follow, self esteem, self trust and self perception.

Find out how to ( Improve Self Esteem can assist you in finding harmony in your life, be more alert and develop a strong sense of self belief will help you in so many other areas of your life at Clear Away Stress Now ( )

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Doubts, Worries, Fears

"Worry is like a rocking chair-it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere."


Ah, the trio of limiting beliefs that can stop you in your tracks. They can wreak havoc on us at one time or another. One day you're fine and the next these insidious thoughts decide to sneak inside your brain, pull up a chair and have a party. And, they weren't even invited!

They can ruin your day, add more stress and anxiety (as if you don't have enough already), cause you to question what you are doing and why and they basically rain on your parade. They ignore the "No Trespassing" signs and trash your mental property. So how do you evict them from your mind?

You need to call in the L.B.B. - Limiting Belief Busters; Belief, Faith and Trust. You issue a warrant for their arrest and throw them in jail. Otherwise, you will be the one imprisoned as they run rampant in your domain with no way of catching them. The reality is, you allowed them to sneak in because you let the watch guard take a vacation.

Doubts, worries and fears have no more power than what you give them. And you feed them by acknowledging them, listening to them and letting them take over without putting up a fight. You own your mind and when something chooses to impinge on your happiness you have every right to knock it out.

These intruders don't have a chance against belief, faith and trust. Invite them into your world and they will set you on the right path and protect you from sabotaging your peace of mind and harmony. It's all about what you allow in.

When you are focused on the fear of something happening or not happening - you ignore faith. When you worry that what you don't want to happen will, you keep trust on the outside looking in. And, when you doubt that you will ever have what you want, you kick belief to the side of the curb.

Look, we all have doubts, fears and worries that knock on our door from time to time but it's up to you whether you choose to entertain them or not. When you go to a buffet for dinner do you focus on what you don't want to eat? Or, do you look at all the good things you can have?

It's the same with your limiting thoughts and beliefs. If you focus on them, you will have a brain full of them causing you to be sick and tired. Instead fill your mind with faith, belief and trust that your divine source; call it God, your Higher Power or whatever, has your back, will provide you with exactly what you need.

If you choose to live in fear, have doubts and worry all the time there is no room for the goodness that is knocking at your door. So who are you inviting to your party?

To find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now, go to: Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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How To Be A Happier And Healthier Person

Personal development relies on your efforts. If you set your goals within reasonable limits and allow yourself some flexibility, you'll be well on your way to creating a personal development plan that encourages organic growth. This article will outline several steps you can take to build a road to personal development, without the pot-holes.

Substitute positive surroundings for negative ones. Keep yourself busy and surrounded by people and things that have a positive influence on you. You'll be less likely to engage in bad habits like smoking or overeating,plus, you'll be more likely to use your time in a positive and more beneficial way.

Before you can begin your journey to bettering yourself, you need to really take a step back to assess whether or not you are willing to change or make the necessary changes to becoming a more developed person. You may wish to take a self development course such as an NLP course. If you are willing to change, the process will be easier and you can be successful with your goals.

Learn new things and try new experiences to improve yourself. It's important to break out of your shell and set fire to everything known and comfortable. If you don't want to live in the past, then don't dwell in the past.

It is very easy to both go overboard and also not to do enough. The right balance must be attained in order to achieve your goals. The planets and the stars know how to position themselves to achieve greatness so you must be able to do the same thing in life.

While you should be optimistic at all times, a healthy dose of realism is required to handle everyday situations. The fact is that nobody is infallible, and you will be better served by your optimism if you are aware of your own boundaries. Everybody has limits to their abilities so don't let reality get you down. Every accomplishment is one step closer to success.

Do not ignore what your body is telling you. Spirit and body are usually approached as two different aspects of a person, but your health definitely influences your mind. Make sure you get enough sleep, and eat healthy food. Do not ignore pain or signs of hunger or tiredness. You will be more efficient with a body in good shape.

A good way to achieve personal development is to practice selflessness. As you sacrifice the things that are important to you by helping others, you will begin to notice your true self. Caring and helping others makes you understand your true self and the more you sacrifice, the more you will realize yourself.

Look the part! Clothing choices are an important part of your image. If you volunteer to assist at your child's school event, dress in a way that instills confidence and shows school spirit. On the other hand, if you are in charge at greeting attendees at an important work conference then you should likely dress more professionally.

As you can see, personal development requires discipline, self awareness, and knowledge. Perhaps by taking an NLP course, or having a liitle therapy may help you. Your efforts will pay off as often as you're willing to put in the work. The above tips have outlined several simple ways you can reorient your efforts to make your goals more tenable. With sound advice and a solid support system, anything is possible.

If you are looking for an NLP Glasgow based course then can provide you with all the information you need.

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Summoning The Will To Quit

Kicking bad habits such as smoking takes more than mere knowledge of the detrimental effects. Many people are well aware of the negative effects of their bad habits but they still persist. They may want to quit but they may feel enslaved of the habits that they cannot resist. There is a sense of helplessness for those who are addicted to certain types of bad habits.

On the other hand, some people who have bad habits are either unaware of their bad habits or are in denial of these habits. Some even try to rationalize their habits by thinking that they need these habits or these habits are not as harmful as they may seem. Case in point is a wealthy compulsive gambler who may try to justify his or her addiction as a mere pastime that he or she can afford.

Quitting bad and addicting habits may require professional psychological and medical intervention. This is particularly true for alcoholism and drug addiction. Addiction creates artificial dependency that is more than mere psychological dependency. Addiction in real sense is also physiological and neurological in nature. The chemical balance and the wiring of the brain are somewhat disrupted.

Acknowledge the problem

A disease cannot be cured or treated without first diagnosing what it is. The same is true for bad habits that sometimes may become pathological or destructive.

The first and most crucial step in quitting any bad habit is to be aware that there is really a problem. Bad habits such as addiction to drugs or alcohol inevitably have social, psychological, health consequences. Recognizing the destructive consequences of bad habits will motivate a person to quit these habits. This is also applicable to minor or seemingly insignificant habits.

Oftentimes, serious bad habits start as trivial behavior that is often repeated. For example, alcohol addiction may start from regular weekly drinking sessions with friends. Being aware of the problem or potential problem will empower an individual to counteract it.

Find a support group

Not all bad and addicting habits will require serious rehabilitation or medical intervention. However, quitting most of them will require social and psychological support. In this manner, some level of discipline can also be enforced, preventing relapse.

A support group does not necessarily have to be a formal or organized group such as the Alcoholics Anonymous. Friends, love ones and even co-workers can serve as support group. Online support groups may also help as long as there is the personal commitment and sincerity on the individual who wants to quit bad habits.

Emphasize the positive aspects

Quitting any bad habit must have some incentive to quit. Emphasizing on the positive consequences of quitting will help individuals to summon the will. For example, a family man who is addicted to gambling may want to quit for the sake of his wife and children.

Learn to empower yourself against bad habits. Take this great opportunity to know the techniques and strategies to motivate yourself and achieve your goals. Visit dynamicproductivityhq website today and sign-up to our online course.

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Fundamentals Of Success

Copyright (c) 2012 Scott F Paradis

Jack Canfield, cocreator of the phenomenally successful "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series spells out in "The Success Principles" 64 actions and attitudes which will lead practitioners from where they are to anywhere they want to go. Napoleon Hill in his best-selling classic "Think and Grow Rich" offers thirteen steps to prosperity. Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," determined employing seven essential principles (later expanded to eight) is the means to fulfillment. Deepak Chopra distills, in "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success," the few simple, powerful tenets to create well-being and material abundance. Rhonda Byrne ups the ante in her worldwide sensation, "The Secret," reducing the requirement for success to a three part formula. And while untold seekers continue to try to quantify what it takes to succeed "The Bible," the world's most popular personal development guide, delivers the ultimate single key.

Sorting through and coming to understand the myriad principles, laws and tenets of success, to say nothing of implementation, is a daunting, and for many an overwhelming task. For most people attempting to execute a complex, multi-staged "success philosophy" ends in frustration and disappointment. While we struggle to find the means to succeed, the reality is, every one of us is quite familiar with success. We are a success machines. We achieve something every day. Though you may object to this assertion, and point out your insignificant accomplishments in no way reflect the scale of achievement you aspire to, the truth is you already employ proven principles, laws and tenets of success.

You don't need a Ph.D. in principles to succeed in practice. As every lifetime consists of a stack of little achievements, don't overlook the obvious. The means to success - the cause, the how - comes down to a few, simple fundamentals. By focusing on the fundamentals you can come to understand how you succeed. Reinforcing success - leveraging successful methods - you can build grander, more enduring achievements.

So what are the fundamentals? What really matters when it comes to achieving desires and succeeding in life?

The human experience is the infinite combination of three basic functions: feeling, thinking, and moving. These three elements comprise and create the journey of life. One can argue about which component dominates but the reality is at various times each assumes a leading role. Life, for its part intends to grow, and we, as a measure of creation contribute to the great expansion. Resisting growth is both painful and futile. As a human being you manipulate energy. By feeling, thinking and moving you both explore and create with life. How you manipulate energy contributes to the reality you experience and defines the conditions you determine as success or failure.

While the motion of life is bigger than you as an individual, the means to both survive and thrive come down to how you feel, think, and act. The fundamentals of success are these three intimately intertwined elements: feeling, thinking and acting. How you feel depends on what you think and what you do. What you think depends on how you feel and where you are (a product of reality in motion - movement). And what you do depends on how you feel and what you think. If any of these three elements are not quite right adjust the other two. Get all three working well together and the possibilities are limitless.

Success is about feeling, thinking and doing right - working in concert with life. Every day is a new opportunity to channel and shape energy. Choose to manipulate it in positive ways. Control how you feel, what you think about and what you do. You have the ability and the opportunity to control vast amounts of energy. What you do with the energy that comes into your awareness determines your success. Taking control, little by little, of how you feel, think and act is the basis for success.

Don't worry about getting myriad principles down or adhering to countless laws of success. There is nothing more fundamental than this: feel, think and act your way to a full and fulfilling life. For you success is fundamental.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Success 101 How Life Works - Know the Rules, Play to Win" and "Warriors, Diplomats, Heroes, Why America's Army Succeeds - Lessons for Business and Life" focuses on the fundamental principles of leadership and success;

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Are You Stuck With No Way Out?

What is it that is holding you back from being happy? What do you feel is the road block in your life that "if only" that particular thing was different then you could be happy? Have you ever consider that the real reason you remain stuck in this imagined hell isn't because of the outside circumstances but it's because of you?

Oh I know, admitting that it's you is a hard pill to swallow and there are things that happen in our lives that basically suck, big time!'s up to you as to whether or not you rise above it or if you choose to let it consume you and suffer. It's called, resistance.

Resisting "what is" is the quickest way to make yourself miserable. You wallow, worry, whine, wish things were different 24/7, and you waste your life away doing this. Ask yourself, "What is it that I can change about this situation?" And then take the steps to change it instead of crying about it.

Sometimes you can't change anything about whatever it is your dealing with because you have no control over the situation or the other person who is inflicting this discomfort or pain in your life. In which case the only thing you can change is your attitude towards it. You can change how you view it, how you are going to approach it and how much time you give to dwelling on it negatively.

There is a way out of this mental torture chamber that you've chosen to imprison yourself in and that is through how you choose to perceive it. You do this through your mind. You have the God given ability to choose what you think and no one can think for you. When you choose to change your thoughts; it will change how you experience anything.

Replace the worrisome, painful thoughts that keep you entertained all day long to those of acceptance, of hope and of KNOWING that everything is going to work out for your higher good. Truly grasping and understanding this concept is when you will find the pathway out of your mental misery and begin to live the way you were meant to.

Take these 2 scenarios as examples. One person loses a one year relationship with someone she was in love with and who she thought was going to be her husband and she can't move beyond the pain. Another person was married for 20 years with 3 children and her husband left her for another women and she is picking up the pieces of her life with an inner strength and courage that so some would seem impossible. Some would argue that the latter's pain would or should be greater, but pain is pain.

What is the difference between the two? It is 100% how they view their situations. How they feel is totally controlled by what they are telling themselves about it. Neither of them like it but one is telling herself that she is going to find the strength and move on and the other is saying that she can't move be on the pain and is devastated.

People ask me how they can stop hurting, how they can move beyond the pain and how they can stop thinking about whatever it is they are going through. And, I say the same thing to everyone and some do it and some don't. Some understand it and some don't.

It is all about what you say to yourself over and over and over again. When you learn to replace the thoughts that keep you stuck and hurting with those that will set your free; you will move on and live again.

Let's say you want to lose weight because it is causing you to be unhappy. Every time you go to eat something would you chose healthy wholesome foods or choose to eat what you know is going to work against you? It's the same with wanting to lose your pain. Do you choose healthy, empowering thoughts or do you choose to eat a meal of sorrow, regrets and why's?

There is a way out of your pain for everyone no matter what it is you are going through and it all begins with you. You have the power within you to allow thoughts in or push them out. It takes a little time and practice but it's worth the result in the end. Otherwise, don't expect anything to change when you keep on thinking what you're thinking.

A great women once said, "You make your own good time or your own bad time." It's up to you to be happy or sad. It's your choice. And when you understand that, how can you not choose happiness!

Susan Russo is fast becoming known as a miracle worker in transforming people's lives. She has the ability to turn negative circumstances into life changing opportunities. No matter where you are in life Susan knows how to help you achieve whatever you desire. To learn more about Susan's products and services go to: And, pick up a copy of her FREE ecourse too!

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Travel to Build Confidence

Travelling is not only fun, it is also a source of new knowledge of cultures and traditions from the places you visit. And how does this build confidence? Travel expands your mind as it will make you become a more interesting person thus giving you more value to yourself. Self confidence is defined as how you measure your self worth.

Remember the feeling of being out of your own town and when you get back everyone's asking you how was it? Then you tell them all your experiences in the foreign land and share all your knowledge about their customs. You build confidence by actually talking to the crowd and being the center of attention.

You may be very busy in telling your experiences that you no longer have time to worry about what to say and how you say it. This is because you get enough self confidence from traveling. You just naturally poured the new "stuff" going on in your head then conversation flows. You are comfortable in sharing with people who find you more interesting because you have a lot of interesting things to say.

Another fact that you build confidence in travelling is that you meet people who actually live in the foreign place that you visited. Meeting new people could actually take a lot of courage especially when you don't speak the same language. It is essential that when you travel you must know someone who can guide you through your expedition. You are ought to learn on how to build confidence from this process of meeting people.

One of the most effective ways in building confidence is to trust one's self. When you plan to travel, you do your own research on what place you are most interested in. You trust your instinct from the moment that you plan and when you have a perfect travel you even build more self confidence.

Every travel can actually stretch your mind in every possibility and you will become more comfortable in your plans and decisions thus a great practice to build confidence. When you have self confidence, you can apply this to every aspect of your life like in relationship, family, career and even in sports. You can achieve your goals instantaneously if you believe in yourself. No one will value you if you do not value your own self. When you lack self confidence, try travelling and you may be surprised when you come back being a new person.

Find out how to ( Travel Builds Confidence and can assist you in finding harmony in your life, be more alert and develop a strong sense of self belief will help you in so many other areas of your life at Clear Away Stress Now ( )

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Do You Have Dis-Abilities?

"We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude." -Cynthia Ozick

I was compelled to write this article after a comment I received. In a blog I wrote I was talking about being thankful for our blessings. I mentioned that we should be grateful for the many things that we often take for granted; the ability to walk, to talk and see, our health and people we love etc. I couldn't possibly list them all!

As you can imagine, being in the business to inspire and encourage people to live a better life that last thing I would intend is to ever make anyone feel bad. But, for some reason this came across the wrong way and it offended this person because they had a physical disability.

The reality is we all have disabilities in our lives but that doesn't mean that we can't go on to have a great life. We can overcome our struggles regardless of what they are.

There are people who have physical disabilities that you can see with your eyes. And, then there are disabilities that you can't see on the outside. But what goes on inside of a person can be debilitating to fully living a life with joy, peace and happiness.

Some people may be able to walk but they go nowhere because they are crippled by their fears. Some people can see but they are blinded by their emotions and beliefs. Some people can hear, but they never really listen.

And then there are people who may be blind but they can see the beauty that shines from the soul. They may not be able to hear but in their silence they are closer to God. They may not be able to walk but they are further in their spiritual journey than many.

It is when we overcome our disabilities, when we struggle through our impairments and come through our adversities; it not only makes us become are true authentic self, but once we move beyond what imprisons us, whether seen or unseen, that is the light within that shines the way on our path in life.

So, I try and keep my mind focused on my blessings to make my struggles less powerful. I try and stay in a place of being thankful when I want to moan and complain and I try and be a light to others when they feel darkness surrounds them.

We all have our dis-abilities, but once conquered; it gives us the ability to fully live, laugh and love!

Do you want to live a better life or do you just want to talk about it? Susan Russo is an author and coach whose direct approach is a wake-up call for those who are sleep walking through life.If you want to make a change in your life, tune into what Susan has to say and find out how to wake up each day and enjoy your life at:

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

5 Things To Do To Live Longer

Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you live longer. A recent study found that four bad behaviours--smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and veggies--can hustle you into an early grave, and, in effect, age you by as many as 12 years.

Fortunately, you can do something to correct these and other unhealthy behaviours. Here are 5 very sound ways to help you live longer.

Get laughing

A good laugh is like a mini-workout - 100 to 200 laughs are equivalent to ten minutes of jogging or rowing. Research states that laughter may be beneficial to health. Laughing appears to boost the blood flow (by more than 20 per cent) and researchers say it may reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Laughing has previously been found to help fight infections, relieve hay fever, ease pain and help control diabetes. The positive effect of laughing is thought to last around 30 to 45 minutes. Research also shows that it lowers levels of stress hormones, and heightens the activity of the body's natural defensive killer cells and antibodies.

Don't overeat or overindulge

If you want to live to 100, leaving a little bit of food on your plate may be a good idea. Author Dan Buettner, who studies longevity around the world, found that the oldest Japanese people stop eating when they are feeling only about 80% full. Other researches have confirmed that eating less helps you age slower; in a study they found that limiting calories lowered production of T3, a thyroid hormone that slows metabolism--and speeds up the aging process.

To eat better, start eating fruits and vegetables. Getting fewer than three servings of fruits and vegetables a day can eat away at your health. Nutritional powerhouses filled with fibre and vitamins, fruits and veggies can lower your risk of heart disease by 76% and may even play a role in decreasing your risk of breast cancer. As an added bonus, the inflammation-fighting and circulation-boosting powers of the antioxidants in fruits and veggies can banish wrinkles.

Another thing to control - drink alcohol, but in moderation. Drinking between 7 and 14 servings of alcohol a week was one of the behaviours studied. This amounts to a glass of wine or one drink a day. Research shows that red wine may carry the most longevity impact. Make a habit of having a glass to unwind or with dinner. Just be certain not to overindulge -- more than 14 drinks a week can negatively impact your longevity.

Don't Smoke

Refraining from lighting up is by far the number one habit to adopt when it comes to longevity. If you avoid or quit smoking, you'll get 80% of the benefit of those 14 years. Get started today and quit for good (and avoid that second-hand smoke, too).

Train Without Pain

You don't need to enter marathons to have a good long run at life. Forcing yourself to follow gruelling fitness regimens can shed inches, but it may not add years. In the long term, you're more likely to stick with low-impact activities you truly enjoy than rigorous workouts you dread. Moderate swimming, a leisurely bike ride, and hour-long walks with the dog do as much good for your health--and survival--as an eight-minute mile. Jus exercise- avoiding being inactive is important for living longer and feeling good right now. Be sure that you make your days as active as possible. Stand up at work, go for walks during lunch, and be sure to work up a sweat at least 3 times a week.

Get more friends

Research suggests that friends help people live longer. Research says that socialising with friends is beneficial. Good friends will promise to be there for you, and their presence can actually help you live longer, researchers say. Australian scientists said having friends around in old age can do more for life expectancy than having family members around, and that friends may encourage people to look after their health, and help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety at difficult times.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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The Dynamics of Goals and Motivation

Every human action has a cause or motivation. It could be either instinctive action such as in the case of muscle reflex or it could be conscious action such as in the case of studying for an exam. Actions can be either merely reactive based on the present stimulus or it could be pro-active based on anticipated events and plans. As a species, we humans are largely distinct from other animals in terms of our ability to plan and imagine.

Pushing boundaries

Humans are capable of conceiving goals that are well beyond instinct and the need to survive. Humans tend to be more motivated if a goal is difficult to achieve. This is especially true if no human has achieved it yet. Even if a goal is impractical, dangerous or costly at first, human beings have this tendency to push the boundaries. Case in point is the exploration of Mount Everest.

Achievers in the fields of sports, business, politics, science and other fields are highly motivated and focused individuals. Their success is mainly made possible because of their goals. Hence, it is necessary to first clearly define goals before anything worthwhile can be accomplished. A person who does not have clear goal in life is like a sail boat without a rudder that is easily tossed by the wind.

Motivational focus

Goal and motivation form a dynamic continuum. They are intertwined and interdependent. No matter how difficult a goal might be, its probability of being achieved is highly dependent on the level of motivation. On the other hand, the strength of motivation is also dependent on the level of difficulty and desirability of a goal.

Setting goals will allow individuals to focus their resources, effort, talent and time. Concrete goals provide purpose and direction that will help individuals ignore distractions. These motivate people to act despite of difficulties in pursuing their dream and vision of the future.

Broad categories

Goals can be classified into different broad categories. People do not live inside a bubble and their pursuits are multi-faceted, which oftentimes are simultaneous. It is all about organizing and prioritizing sets of goals.

Personal goals can be classified into these broad categories:

Career: A person is usually identified with what they do either as a source of livelihood or as a calling. Very few people have jobs that they love that they consider their jobs as vocations. Hence, career can refer to a specific job or a vocation. Success in career largely determines the social status of people and all other aspects of their lives are usually connected to their success in their careers.

Financial: The financial aspect is directly dependent on career. The level of financial independence or wealth typically depends on the success in careers.

Family: Planning to get married or raising children is part of the common personal goals related to family. Purchasing a home, vehicles and insurance policies could also be included under this category. Family should always come first in the list of priorities. A career is typically only a means to provide for love ones.

Other broad categories of personal goals could include education, artistic pursuit, attitude improvement, pleasurable or hedonistic pursuits, and public service such as participating in cause-oriented organizations.

Go to this website now and grab an excellent opportunity. Get a free seven-day online course on how to achieve your goals.

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When You Get Knocked Down

"When life knocks you down you have two choices- stay down or get up."
-Tom Krause

Adversities come in all shapes and sizes and there is no question that occasionally they will even knock you off your feet. Sometimes you may feel like NOTHING is going right. Regardless of how positive you try to be, eventually you become worn down and you don't even feel like getting back up again.

After all, there is only so much a human can take and you may even wonder: When am I going to get a break?

No matter what it is that is causing you to feel beaten down, discouraged or defeated, it only has power over you when you lose your faith. You have to first get up on the inside. And, you do this by renewing your beliefs that you really are being divinely guided and that everything IS happening the way it's supposed to.

Oh, I know, you may find that last statement hard to buy but God (or whatever you believe in) WILL see you through when you have faith. It's these very adversities that shape our faith. They either strengthen you or make you weaker in your beliefs.

No matter what you are struggling with, hurting or grieving over, if you don't have faith, what do you rely on instead? What gets you through it? This is the time to rely on your inner strength and pick yourself up spiritually by tapping into what sustains you always - in all ways.

If you choose to dwell on the unfairness of it all, your frustrations in life, and the hurt and pain you're going through; you've pushed out your faith and you're living in fear instead. But, if you learn to trust that God is behind the scenes and He has your back, then you can rely on our faith to pull you up when the bottom drops out.

As you begin to rely on your faith and really believe that you are connected to and a part of a higher consciousness, believing will turn into knowing. And, along with knowing that everything is working out for your higher purpose comes peace of mind.

Life is too short to allow outside circumstances drag you down because you have everything you need to pull yourself up on the inside. Learn to live your life being happy regardless of what is happening around you.

When you do this, it won't matter who or what is trying to knock you down because you'll have that inner strength and peace that comes from knowing that everything will work out in the end. Your life is being taken to a new level. You may not see the bigger picture but God does. Begin to believe, no; begin to KNOW that the best is yet to come!

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

To find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now, go to: Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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Bvlgari Sunglasses: A Unique Gift For A Special Woman

Men are not always the most thoughtful of creatures and most males themselves will agree; they often neglect their loved ones' birthdays or worse, their wedding anniversaries-what a catastrophe that could be! Even so, they do have their adoring aspect and most guys who truly love their ladies will offer anything that they could in order to please them. This is why you do your very best at work, in your company and in anything you do. It's not just to make her happy; it is also to offer her and also to give her with everything she needs. When searching for a present for her, you would like it to show how much she means to you as well as mirror some of her unique qualities. However, you also want something that won't end up in a container or corner somewhere to collect dust-something that she will use frequently and will accentuate her excellent appearance and elegance. Nothing can do this better than a set of Bvlgari sunglasses.

The brand began from crafting jewelleries and then continued to creating other add-ons, perfumes and other fashion products. Their designs are exceptional and limited which suggests not everyone will be able to wear what you would be giving your loved one, even though they could pay for it. They're crafted specifically to suit the style and taste of a superb, glamorous and exquisite woman. One of the most specific characteristics of the brand is the elaborate styles and details on the frames that use lovely crystals, gemstones and metals; all are hand crafted by highly skilled artisans to incorporate more to its authenticity and uniqueness.

The frames are often made from acetate, which is a substance normally found in cotton flowers. The material is robust and flexible so it will not break quickly however it is smooth and, as opposed to metallic frames, they won't feel too cold on your ears and face when you use them. They are also perfect for individuals with delicate skin or are allergic to other components that sunglasses' frames are made from.

In case your partner is experiencing poor vision, you may also choose prescription sunglasses or just plain eyeglasses from the same manufacturer. This could be a little tricky since you will require her prescription; you may either obtain it from her without her knowing or you could privately approach her optometrist and ask him or her for it. In fact, the surprise is a component that makes a present somewhat more extraordinary.

After getting everything you need, you could go to an optical shop and select from a vast collection of wonderful Bvlgari sunglasses or prescription glasses. After making your choice, you could have it wrapped or you can simply put a ribbon on the beautiful case itself; most shops supply the casing and it's one of the signs that you purchased an authentic item. So go on-make her feel like every bit the extraordinary, lovely woman that she is with a unique and attractive present.

Eyewear is one of the best option that you can choose as a gift for your loved one. It offers amazing features and a touch of great style that can compliment the beauty and allure of the user. Go to to know more.

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Dating After Divorce and with Children Tips

I truly respect singles with kids, with every one of the challenges in their life; they are still able to tolerate all of it. For their offspring, they are able to take on all that life has tossed at at them.

However single dad and moms are people also, with emotions that people usually feel. They also long for feeling desired and loved not only from their children but also from additional persons as well. They in addition want for a mate who would grow up old with them. So for single mom and dadsdad and moms to go on dating experiences is not a secluded actuality.

Initial question concerning dating solitary parents is if it is right and suitable for them to set off on activities. In an advisors view, there is entirely nothing in the wrong about it. They are solo anyhow.

In addition everybody wants affection and a mate in existence, it is just depressing if civilization will dictate it for them to be without someone all their days. They also hold the privilege to be blissful and live with somebody else who could provide for them in their being aside from their children. Developing a family unit is also difficult if you are the lone individual answering and supporting the household wishes. Such as the adage goes, "it requires 2 to tango", you will really need a companion to assist you to nurture your family unit well. Life is hard to deal with when you are entirely single.

Let us face facts, when the kids grow up they will have their own relationships and ultimately move out. That is why it is perfectly okay for unattached parents to go out. People must not believe that the actions they are taking are wrong since they are doing it in support of themselves and the kids.

It is thoroughly challenging for a solo father to locate a mate that could effortlessly put up with them, their history and their present circumstances. A few even look at them as wrong people because of various factors. They consider unattached moms with immorality because of the early pregnancy, or that they got expecting before they got married.

Single pops are regularly looked at as immature men or a swindler that is why their companions left them. Naturally, there are so many external variables that deal with that. Those are a few of the examples how people looks at single parents.

In actuality, single moms and dads are strong and trustworthy people that are competent to manage for their kids even if they are the solitary one taking care of the family's monetary needs. It is really depressing how they put down them. People should not be judged because of the mistakes they have made during their younger years.

Others who would view single parents with an open brain and get to know them at a deeper level, they could comprehend that these humans are extremely responsible. They have handled more or less all challenges they would perhaps encounter and overcame it.

Single dads and moms could be an extremely fantastic mate because they are very adult like and boast different views on life aspects. I actually hope that these divorced dads and moms would go out and come across a solid and responsible partner to assist them in developing a fresh, durable and normal unit.

If you are currently courting a single parent, there are some issues you are going to have to deal with. The main matter that you will run into is working with their children. Once you are courting a single mother, it is as if you are also dating his/her own children.

As you begin to understand him or her as a someone, you should already have initially acknowledged the truth that the person that you care for is currently a parent. And that by loving him or her, you ought to already care for the children.

Dating and having a relationship with a divorced parent is similar to a package, you by now possess an on the spot family.

For starters, you will have to acquire the conviction of the individual you want to retain a relationship with. I speculate you have to establish to him or her that you are adult like, dependable and are going to be loving to his or her offspring. When that is finished and you are sustaining a connection, you will have to obtain the reliance of his or her children.

Given that your mate is a without someone father, it is natural that his or her children are not accustomed to their mother getting a mate. Initially, the kids will be enormously curious of your goals; the kids will be defensive of his or her parents.

It is believed that obtaining the kid's faith and getting them to like you is the most difficult piece. When you obtain it, you by now have dealt with the challenges of dating a solo parent.

Dating as a single parent offers quite a few challenges and situations that are not every time simple to manage. There are a ton of dynamics that go into a fresh association and a lot of areas of our lives that have to go together flawlessly with a would-be mate in order for everything to drop into place. Learn more at

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How You Can Use Yoga to Boost Productivity

If you work in an office and haven't tried yoga yet - then it's time to listen up.

Sitting at a computer for hours on end is not good for our bodies nor our productivity. It can lead to poor posture, lower back pain, neck pain and poor circulation. None of these results are good for results. By practising yoga regularly, most of these issues can be dealt with effectively and you can be left feeling better than ever.

Here are some of the ways that you can use yoga to boost your productivity in the office (or if you work at home):

- If you don't have time for a long session of exercise, then it doesn't mean that you have to miss out. Just 20 minutes a day will do a lot for your body and it will also give your mood a lift. I usually start my day with a 20 minute brisk walk, followed by 20 minutes of yoga. This sets me up for the day and there is a noticeable decline in my productivity if I don't do it.

- Buy a DVD that you can use at home. You won't have to make the commute to the gym nor pay out for the classes. You'll be able to watch the yoga DVD as you exercise to keep you on track with how to do the poses. You'll miss out on all traffic and parking problems too!

- Plan out your week so that you are clear on when you can fit your yoga session into your day. Some days could be more flexible than others, or you may find some extra time to practice for longer.

- Decide whether you want to take yoga classes in addition to using the DVD. You'll need to think about how many classes you can take and the pricing of them.

- Practising yoga in the mornings has many advantages - the biggest one being the energy boost that you'll get. You will also find yourself in a better mood and more relaxed to face the challenges of your day. If you can't fit it in, and cannot wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual, then you could do it after you've put the kids to bed. You'll be more relaxed for a good night's sleep.

- If there is a spare office or meeting room that you can use at lunchtime in the office, then take up the opportunity. You'll get an energy boost for the afternoon.

- Another idea is to learn some yoga moves that can be done whilst you are at your desk. It's a great way to fit in some exercise without interrupting a busy day in the office.

- Just one last word of advice. It's very important to commit to your new exercise program. Without a firm commitment then you will most likely not keep it up, even with the best intentions.

Yoga should help you to rid yourself of a poor posture, improve your circulation and ease any periods of stress. It's an excellent productivity booster - well, what are you waiting for?

Thomon Wardle is an experienced practitioner of yoga and pilates exercises. His range of yoga DVDs are listed and available from his site where you can also download a free eBook worth £9.95

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Simple Strategies to Motivate Employees

Motivation is basically a personal decision to accomplish something necessary, significant and sometimes difficult. Conscious motivations should be distinguished from mere instinctive and physiological functions such as breathing. All human actions and behaviors have corresponding motivations but not all are actions have underlying conscious motivations.

When it comes to motivating employees, conscious motivations are mainly involved. External incentives and reinforcements might be introduced but motivation remains to be personal in nature. As the saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink." This pretty much summarizes the nature of external positive reinforcements.

There are at least five simple strategies that managers use to inspire employees gain confidence and be motivated. These strategies can be applied in virtually all types of business and non-profit organizations, including government institutions. These strategies are based on the need for socialization and self-actualization.

Proper recognition

Oftentimes, the best motivating factors do not involve financial reward. Proper recognition of an excellent work is one good way to inspire employees to maintain the quality of work or strive harder. Recognition may range from simple pat on the back and a sincere praise to formal awarding of certificates. Recognition may also involve special celebrations in the form of office party for a top-performing individual or team.

Training or coaching

Coaching is a cost-effective means of inspiring employees to be motivated. Oftentimes, it costs almost nothing for the company except for time and effort on the part of the manager. It can be done either individually or it can be done as a group activity. It can involve a one-on-one sit down conversation with an employee or as a formal office seminar.

Growth opportunities

Employees who think that they are working on dead-end jobs are usually unmotivated and may feel trapped in meaningless routines. They may stay on the job for practical reasons but they may not give their best efforts. A job must offer growth opportunities in terms of leadership opportunities and promotions. It may not necessarily involve vertical promotion but a simple or transitory chance to lead a team and take on challenging and important tasks can motivate employees.

Breaking routines

Workers can easily get bored if they do the same things day-in and day-out for the whole year. Although routines and predictability at work are intended to establish efficiency, they can also lead to boredom and productivity slowdowns. Boredom is an unintended consequence of routines that can only be solved by occasionally breaking routines such as providing recreational activities for teambuilding purposes.


Employees must feel that they are important part of the team as opposed to mere tools of the company. One way of showing importance to employees is by being transparent about the overall direction and goals of the company. The optimism and drive of the top leaders must be shared by the ordinary employees. They must feel proud of their company.

You can learn more about motivation by subscribing to our seven-day free online course. Do not let this opportunity pass you by. Visit dynamicproductivityhq website today.

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6 Things To Know To Be Successful

It seems that everyone is in a constant search for success. From the moment we are born, we strive to succeed in any endeavour we aim to accomplish. Some appear to be equipped with more talent or brains, but these do not guarantee them of sure success.

Being successful is something you work at. It starts in the mind and heart, and slowly develops into an attitude. A lot of times, we are already in its midst, yet we fail to realize it.

So how does one develop a winning attitude so vital to true success? Here are a few tips:

Know how to be happy. If you are unhappy right now with what you're doing, where you're at and how things are going, then there's a huge chance that it will be difficult for you to be truly successful. You may achieve it - but it wouldn't be as sweet; you may have fame, glory and money but you will feel empty inside despite. If you are still on your way towards fulfilling it, your unhappiness and inability to be contented will make it difficult for you to reach your goal. Distractions and thoughts of doing something you enjoy will fill your mind, and delay your success. Learn to be happy and search for that which will make you so.

Know how to motivate yourself. No one else can push you to success better than your own self. It is what we have inside of us which will motivate us to push ahead with mush determination. Only we know what the deepest desires of our heart are - and these act as triggers to keep us going even when times hit hard. Remember - planning and dreaming of success is the easy part. What's harder is how to motivate ourselves to keep on going until its fulfillment.

Know that success is not instant. When you are successful in one area of your life, it's easy to neglect other areas if you devote all your attention to the other. Success comes one step at a time - we all know that hard work in all aspects of your life is the key.

Know how to deal with criticism. Remember that the road to success is not a smooth one. There will be a lot of potholes that will test your determination. Not everyone will push you or motivate you - there will be those who will pull you down and fill your mind with negativity which can discourage you. Realise that these criticisms, negative feedback and pessimism altogether serve a purpose - they help you be stronger. You need to be resilient and learn to get up after a setback or disappointment. Know that all your triumphs are useless if you will let all the minor and irritating stuff get to you. Don't be the kind of person who lets negativity overpower all optimism. Real successes are not such.

Know how to relax. As important as motivation, rejuvenation is certainly a key to success. Learn to sit back and relax, take time to recoup your drained motivation or recharge your weary and bored determination. Being able to recuperate from stressful situations is essential to moving on and being more well-equipped for even more challenging situations. Sleep, watch a movie, play games with your kids - they all help you realize that life is not worth losing over success.

Know how to step out of your comfort zone. True success is knowing how to do things even if they are beyond the realm of your comfort. Staying where you are, just because it is the safe thing to do will never get you anywhere close to your dreams. Instead, think of the unknown and the risks that come with it as sources of excitement. Like the popular saying goes, "if you keep on doing what you're doing, then you'll keep on getting what you're getting." That explains it all.

True success is something you work for - it is the end result of hard work, proper motivation and a good attitude. You are not born with a success instinct - you search for it and work on developing it. The sooner you realize this, the easier it is to take the first step towards its discovery.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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How to Develop Self Confidence

Sometimes, life gets rough as we face different painful situations and we may find ourselves stuck on our down moments. These are the times where you can lose your self confidence and question whether you made the right decision. We are torn down however we don't need to be in that situation a long time. We need to get back on track, pick the pieces and move on. This indicates a need to get self confidence back, to keep moving forward and to build a better self image.

We can make our friends our role models and model how they carry themselves after a tragedy. Some of our friends recover their self confidence right after experiencing something painful. Ever wonder how they do that? They are still standing because they believe in themselves that they can be successful again.

When you believe in yourself, you recover your self confidence so that you are ready to achieve your goal. As they say, you will not recognize success unless you meet failure. You can use self confidence in any areas of your life like relationships, business, success, love and career It is a great way to rebuild your self image in these areas.

Here are some ways to get self confidence:

Posture: You need to have the right posture, when you stand or sit. This promotes a positive outlook in life. Practice good posture so you can tell yourself that you can do whatever is required to be successful. It will put you in the right mindset that you can accomplish your plans.

Positivity: Always think positive, even when you are in a difficult situation. You can gain self esteem by thinking that you can pass this test. We face many problems each day and this can make us angry, frustrated and embarrassed however, thinking positive can drive all those negative feelings away.

Avoid negativity: When you avoid negativity, you can clear your mind of obstacles and this will provide great solutions to your problems. You can have self belief when you avoid being around negative people. Additionally, avoid hearing criticism, rumors and rejections by avoiding the people who love to talk about these.

When you achieve self confidence, you will be able to create great solutions to your daily problems. It can be as simple as deciding whether to wear closed shoes or not. Decisions are one of the things that a person is afraid to make when they don't believe in themselves. Believe in yourself and you can achieve your goals.

Find out how to ( Get Self Confidence can assist you in finding harmony in your life, be more alert and develop a strong sense of self belief will help you in so many other areas of your life at Clear Away Stress Now ( )

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Finding Balance Between Narcissism and Self-Hatred

Regardless of the field of pursuit, most successful individuals have innate confidence or self-esteem that helped them weather the challenges and criticisms. This innate confidence is one of the primary factors that enabled them to have focus and achieve their goals despite the odds. This confidence should not be confused with arrogance or narcissism although some very successful people may seem arrogant or narcissistic.

Confidence vs. arrogance

Having confidence is arguably an essential ingredient in achieving success but it still has to correspond to reality. Over-confidence or arrogance can actually do more harm than good. It can alienate an individual from his or her own group. It can result to failure simply because of not having sufficient effort or preparation. Case in point is an intelligent student who has not reviewed for an important exam believing that it can easily be passed.

Arrogance is sometimes associated with narcissism or self-love that is inconsiderate of other people. People who are narcissistic tend to be ineffective as team-players, especially if they are not holding positions of authority. Even if they hold such positions they may tend to be oppressive and self-absorbed.

Inferiority complex

The opposite of over-confidence and narcissism is inferiority complex which is often characterized by self-hatred. Obviously, this attitude is much worse than narcissism in terms of its negative effect on achieving success. It would be very difficult for someone to be successful in life without first having the confidence to do so. Hence, inferiority complex is a self-defeating attitude that is likely result in failure and further disappointment.

A balance between narcissism and insecurity complex is important in achieving success and in adapting to social situations. Individuals must be able to discover and enhance their abilities and good characteristics. At the same time, individuals must also be able to rationally acknowledge their limitations. It should be noted that acknowledging limitations is not the same as self-hatred.

Healthy compromise

Finding a healthy balance in terms of self assessment and attitude will lead to the realistic pursuit of personal goals. Narcissism and self-loathing are opposite extremes in the confidence spectrum that should be avoided. There might be periodic highs and lows in an individual's mood but it is crucial to remain objective in assessing situations.

A healthy balance in terms of self worth will allow individuals to maintain focus and implement effective strategies in pursuing goals. More often than not, individuals will need the help of others and may need to work in groups. Over-confidence and insecurity complex are destructive both at the level of individuals and at the level of groups.

Be one of the first to grab this rare opportunity. You can signup for a seven-day free online course on self-motivation and achieving success. Follow this dynamicproductivityhq URL for more details.

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A Bond Of Style And Visual Protection

Women and men make sure to look their very best everytime they step out of the house, irrespective of whether they are heading out for a simple stroll across the theme park, a relaxed afternoon reading a book in a sidewalk dining in London, or maybe an exquisite evening at a formal get together. In the personal choice of attire, shoes, accessories, and hairstyle (plus cosmetic makeup products for the ladies), men and women try to show their particular fashion sense which would help recognize them from the rest of the group.

However, demonstrating one's creativeness in dressing must not compromise someone's ability to function in several situations. Wearing women's high heel sandals, for example, may be uneasy for some females and can also put them vulnerable to falling or stumbling on irregular or slippery areas, and therefore should not be prioritised more than comfort. In the same manner, men and women should not put on trendy eye protection simply for the sake of showing fashion. The better course of action should be to buy eye glasses that are both equally classy and functional at the same time-such as timelessly elegant glasses.

This is actually one of the most popular fashion brands on earth and it has produced several other brands which lead in the creation of top quality and high fashion garments, accessories, scents, together with other luxury merchandise. Eye wear is one of its most enduring promotions; the brand's spectacles are known for exquisite craftsmanship and high-end luxury while supplying long lasting comfort and function.

Compared to other sunglassesglasses that display urban elegance, lenses and eyeglass frames focus on contemporary classicism styles which actually pertain to classic designs infused with a modern twist. You will definitely see, for instance, rectangle frame shapes and thin temples on the brand's varifocals, while some other doctor prescribed glasses sport resilient plastic stems with a matte finish and splashes of radiant shade. Contemporary and edgy takes on the most well-loved shapes make glasses the long term fashion favorites that they are these days.

Though these kinds of fashion accessories are extremely sophisticated and appropriate for casual and formal events alike, it is critical to note that they could be easily purchased from trusted eye wear shops online. A particular website has many designs from the most widely used names in fashion. The web site's licensed opticians can certainly help purchasers find the appropriate eye remedy for their needs while coordinating their chosen design and style to the trustworthy manufacturers. Buying good quality eyewear hasn't been simpler and more hassle-free.

Putting together an outstanding wardrobe for any function normally takes little more than an individual sense of style and knowledge of the fashion brands that work best to accentuate your personal look. With top quality eyewear offered by trustworthy online stores, style and well-defined eyesight are just a few clicks of a mouse button away.

Customers are really stylish. A great way to be stylish is to get an eyeglasses that displays elegance without having to sacrifice the use of your eyeglasses.

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Is Ibogaine An Effective Medication For Heroin Addiction?

Heroin dependency has been held responsible for the death of a lot of valuable personalities who had problems with acute recurring pain. Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, River Phoenix and as well as Sid Vicious all perished due to their addiction and an overdose of the substance. The one thing they all had in common aside from their addiction was all of them experienced lots of pain. It has not determined nonetheless if the discomfort that they had was caused by a chemical imbalance or some type of sickness that damaged their actual well-being.

The substance is still utilized in the medical industry to cure patients with extreme pain caused by a heart attack or perhaps a bad incident. It's an "opiate medication produced by C.R. Alder Wright in 1874 by having two acetyl groups to the chemical morphine found in the opium poppy, and it is working just like a morphine pro-drug." It's known as Diamorphine as a clinical compound; the name heroin is actually being used if it's taken illegally.

Among the extremely damaging effects of this kind of dependency are convulsions, heart disease (and this killed Jim Morrison; he had a massive heart attack and perished in his bath tub), pneumonia, hepatitis, kidney failure, just to name a few. In case you've got loved ones hooked to heroin, one thing that's guaranteed is that they can pass away a really agonizing demise if they haven't receive the support which they really need right away.

Drug rehabilitation centers provide a wide range of treatment programs all promising a huge recovery rate. Among the much-talked about remedies utilizes ibogaine, that is the drug produced from the root bark of the shrub Tabernanthe iboga, a plant that can be obtained from Central West African nations. This compound has got anti-addictive properties and then has the capability to cause withdrawal from drugs an even easier procedure for an addict. Ibogaine becomes effective 24 to 36 hours after administration and then it sticks to the receptor sites for as much as half a year - a great deal of period for all urges to stop. Studies done even demonstrate that ibogaine has the ability to reset the brain's functioning to its pre-addicted status making the journey back to health faster.

Therefore, is ibogaine for heroin addiction effective as being a treatment? Presented all of its capabilities, definitely. It could simply be the best as well as humane remedy out there. Ibogaine treatment is a thoroughly created program that includes restorative exercises to understand and also work out the causes of the addiction, healthy diet as well as nutrition, workouts, coaching, and encouragement. Freedom from drug dependency is far more than removal of toxins. It's also about getting evolved through the healing of the mind, and this is the good explanation why ibogaine actually works.

Heroin addiction has been held accountable for the death of numerous valuable personalities who had problems with acute recurring discomfort. To learn more about Ibogaine for heroin addiction please visit

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Mother Of The Bride Outfits: Expertly Created Material For Elegant Women

A wedding is a remarkably heartwarming event; two people starting the journey of life together is always a cause for party and well-wishes for the couple. Because of so many experiences to look forward to, a lot of lessons to be learned, and so many new memories to be made, a couple can successfully step through the threshold of this new phase in life in a ceremony devoted to honoring their marriage in the company of their dearest relatives and closest friends.

Weddings are usually celebrated in a wonderful place that serves as ideal background to the event; good food and drinks, romantic music, and delicate flowers and other accents also help to highlight the importance of the occasion. With such an amazing set-up, the wedding party and the guests all make an effort to dress properly to fit the occasion. While there is an unwritten regulation that the bride must have the most resplendent dress of the night, that is definitely pointless for other distinctive women in the ceremony to hold back in displaying their own fashion sense. Elegant and classy without overshadowing the brilliance of the bride's wedding dress, mother of the bride outfits lend an air of elegance and charm to the women who will definitely feel the greatest stages of sentimentality after the couple being wed themselves-the tearful yet poised mothers of the bride and groom.

Mother of the bride dresses are created with a specific market in mind: subtle ladies who look their best in classic styles with a smart use of colours and cuts. A lady can be spectacular in her son's or daughter's wedding in meticulously tailored dresses in a colour palette that highlights refined pastels and creamy ivories. Inspired by the renowned designers' timeless and everlasting style, a gorgeous range of extravagance evening and occasion-wear can come in full-length forms with expertly nipped waists to show off the beautiful feminine shape; they can also be available in knee-length versions that can be cleverly combined with jackets that accentuate the way the dress's fabric falls against the body.

To include a bit of luxury to the clothes, many brands that concentrate on wedding fashion include beautiful lace styles and details on the bodices, tailored suits, and jackets. Other materials like tweeds and twill also include new textures and looks to a brand's signature wedding items.

Specialty fashion brands also take care to include the quality of flexibility into the designing of exceptional mother of the groom dresses. The pastel shades and dainty florals of latest collections are made to match the spring or summer season; apart from this, brands also guarantee the long-lasting condition of the items by making them ideal for the day while easily carrying the person through to more formal evening events. This stretches the life of these signature garments while providing their owners with unparalleled worth for their money.

Women take care to look their best in any event and the wedding of their son or daughter is definitely no exception. With lavish and naturally womanly garments, the mothers of the bride and the groom can make their own fashion statement on such a touching and remarkable event.

Trying to find the best and elegant gowns for the mother's bride? Do you want them to be at their finest on the special event of their daughter? Visit and find out the most recent designs of their gowns.

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Tag Heuer Glasses: Bringing Performance, Elegance And Comfort In Your Own Style

Several can rival the efficiency and precision of a well-made watch. Reflected through their goods, Tag Heuer's innovations are as useful and as exact as the time pieces they manufacture. As a result of their great work, the company has been highly praised by many and has been given many patents and prizes even extending to the other products they produce like Tag Heuer glasses.

The brand's trademark is their undeniably unique and advanced use of technology for setting their products above and beyond all other brands and for keeping them ahead of their competitors. Their eyewear is made to incorporate efficiency, class and comfort-although the "class" part is definitely displayed by the name. Sporting the name of a reliable company which is recognised by many different people and organizations is a touch of elegance in itself.

When talking about functionality in their eyewear, you can easily notice it by simply checking out the elegant frames. The company's developers created the frame designs to be suitable in sports. Hence, they created the frames' design to hold snugly around the temples. This will make it easier for the wearer to play sports or simply move about while donning them without thinking about their spectacles falling-very efficient and perfect for athletes or individuals with active jobs or lifestyles.

Maximum comfort is another priority that the designers thought of and it shows in the soft inner lining of the frames that grip your head just enough so that the eyeglasses don't fall, but not too tightly that it constricts blood circulation, becomes painful and allows unsightly markings. Well-calculated and searched ergonomics accomplished a design that is very light and comfortable for the user that it's going to feel like he is not using spectacles whatsoever.

Trying to find the brand's high quality goods will not be problem for individuals in urban centers, because there are numerous optical stores throughout the country. They can offer you many eyeglass frames from the brand to select from and let you find the perfect one to match your personal style-and they may even give you great deals for it. As for the lenses, just carry your optician's prescription and they can find a couple of excellent lenses to match your eyes. Also individuals with photo-sensitive eyes can benefit from Tag Heuer glasses, because now you may obtain photochromic lenses. These can be splendid even for those who are not photo-sensitive, because they adapt to whatever light setting is present; if it's too bright, it dims down, and when it's dim, it brightens your visual view. That must be enough reason for you to get a functional, comfy and trendy set of your own.

Items like glasses that are comfortable and functional can provide amazing results and make your performance better. This can provide fashionable style that can make your day alluring. Go to .

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Designer Glasses - The Best Gift For Your Visually-Challenged Loved Ones

The holidays are coming and it's always smart to begin your Christmas shopping early, be it at your local town mall or on the web. Merchants deal with a big need that also the most worthless products get bought because nobody wants to be caught without a present to offer when they are given a Christmas gift. If you don't want to get caught in the shopping craze of the year that could draw you in a buying frenzy of odd and useless things to give as presents, get your act together and start out with a carefully thought of list.

People always mention it's the thought that counts, but if a gift is useless to the recipient, how on earth will you be able to believe that you put thought into the present. In coming up with gift ideas for the special people in your life, you need to consider what they need or want, and how they will possibly react to it. After all, the greatest happiness is in knowing that your beloved completely appreciates the gift that you offered them. For this year, lifestyle magazines have listed fashion eyewear as great presents for friends and family; they're fashionable and certainly beneficial.

When you have a considerably big fund for all your loved ones, consider giving the visually-challenged ones with really glamorous eye products from really high end brands. For the females who love the good things in life, a set of designer glasses will surely make them jumping for happiness. And why wouldn't they? Designer frames and lenses are designed with the best craftsmanship and quality that even if they're just reading eyeglasses, single-vision ones or varifocals, no one can contest that they're really jewels for the eyes. If you have chosen to present them with designer prescription glasses, do some research so you can present the glasses in their "completely" personalised to prescription model on Christmas Day.

Do not delay purchasing for these gifts though because most are anticipated to take the advice of lifestyle and fashion magazines for great gifts for this Christmas. You can take a look at optical shops which provide authentic designer eyewear at really attractive prices. You may even get a special reward with each purchase. This optical store also offers its services on the web and it ships orders free of charge.

If you're searching for something to give for your love ones and wish them to feel truly loved, choose a useful and stylish one, purchase an eyewear that they will really appreciate. Take a look at to learn more.

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50 Common Mistakes In Goal Setting

You can surely have great success in personal goal setting when you are aware of the things you should not do. So here are some of the taboos in personal goal setting. Make sure you understand and ponder each of them.

1. Not taking enough action.

2. Not having a good action plan.

3. Not writing down your goals.

4. Not asking help from people who can help.

5. Not gaining and honing the skills you need.

6. Having goals beyond your influence or control.

7. Not taking sufficient time to think about the things you really want.

8. Not clarifying your own purpose of personal goal setting.

9. Not identifying the rewards of successfully getting what you aim for.

10. Not figuring out the consequences of not accomplishing your goals.

11. Not believing in your skills and abilities.

12. Not being optimistic.

13. Setting goals that are contradictory with each other.

14. Setting too many goals.

15. Not setting deadlines.

16. Focusing on too few aspects.

17. Setting goals that are too huge and too difficult.

18. Writing down goals that are too easy.

19. Having goals that are too general.

20. Setting goals that are untimely.

21. Not knowing and understanding all possible obstacles you may encounter.

22. Not reviewing your goals.

23. Not rewriting your goals.

24. Aiming for things that are contrary to your values.

25. Not spending enough time on visualizing the results you expect.

26. Not evaluating your progress.

27. Not rewarding yourself for every good task you have accomplished.

28. Setting goals just because somebody asked you to.

29. Being stuck with your past failures in personal goal setting.

30. Expecting good results too soon.

31. Failing to convert criticisms into something useful.

32. Failing to ask for feedback.

33. Failing to tell a trusted person about your goals.

34. Beating yourself up when things get rough.

35. Not being committed.

36. Not describing your goals.

37. Aiming for things that do not inspire or excite you.

38. Not being organized.

39. Not willing to sacrifice some things in order to reach your goals.

40. Not having enough self-discipline.

41. Depending on other people's actions in order to achieve the things you want.

42. Having no system of remembering the goals you have set.

43. Rushing things.

44. Not allotting room or failure.

45. Expecting things to be perfect.

46. Setting a goal that is too far away.

47. Having goals that are not of high priority.

48. Setting goals that are negatively written.

49. Not thinking of and writing down specific steps on how you can reach your goals.

50. Not willing to change some things in yourself that can hinder you from achieving the things you want in life.

There are more mistakes in personal goal setting that you need to know and avoid. To learn the rest of them, visit Dynamic Productivity website, While you are there, you can also get free 7-day e-course training.

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Self-Development Tips: How To Turn Desires Into Realities

Most of us have desires we have never turned in to realities. Most of us had childhood desires to be something exciting such as a jet pilot or a beauty queen but if we continue these into adulthood without acting on them, we are daydreaming - we are out of touch with reality. If you want to turn your desires into realities you need to find out what are real, attainable desires and what are wishful thinking. You can then work on motivating yourself to achieve practical goals.<br /><br /><br />

Make a list of your desires

One way to separate fact from fiction is to make a list of your desires - your wish list. Put them all down, as this will bring them out into the cold light of day and force you to think about them in a practical way. Spend some time thinking about each item and asking yourself what skills, experience or qualifications you would need to have to pursue it. Do you have them or can you get them? If you cannot, then cross that item off the list.

Think about each item in the same way and as objectively as you can. As you work through the list you will soon see what desires could be achievable. These are the ones you can then turn into realistic goals.

Do you really want it?

When you finish going through your wish list you will be left with a short list of desires that you feel are achievable. Of these, which ones are the ones you would really like to achieve? Are there some that are not really your wishes but are simply expected of you by society or some one who has influence over you and you have adopted them? Unless they are you goals you will have trouble motivating yourself to put in the hard work to achieve them.

There are some things we all have to do that are expected of us: we have to get a job and earn a living; we have to organize our money and pay our way. These are part of everyday life that society expects of us and we do them as a matter of course. But if you want to turn your deepest desires into realities you need to be passionate about them. You will only feel that way when they are truly what you want.

What can you do now?

The only way you are going to turn desires into realities is to take action; otherwise they will be dreams forever. Look for the one item on the list you want above all others. This is the one you can go after with passion, purpose and determination. You will need all those things to drive you and you will only apply them to a goal you really want.

Once you have chosen the most important desire in your life, one you want above all else and one you can pursue with energy and passion, then act upon it. You can take in any amount of tips for motivating yourself but the only one that really matters is to take action now. Action begets action: it is self-motivating. This combination of desire, passion and action can be an unstoppable force that can propel you towards the realization of your greatest desire.

Motivating yourself and staying motivated is not easy. You will find FREE software to help you develop self-motivation skills when you visit William Burnell has built and sold his own business, and he has run successful sales teams. He knows what it takes to set goals, stay motivated and achieve your objectives.

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How Pilates Can Boost Your Productivity in the Office

Pilates is becoming more interesting to many people. It's recently been trending in the Google Search Keywords as so many people have been looking it up.

In addition to trainers of high performance athletes, high ranking managers from corporations have identified it for its ability to boost productivity in the office. Some businesses have even implemented regular Pilates classes for their staff - so that the business can benefit from the extra energy and creativity that comes as a result. For people who don't have time to go to work and to Pilates classes, setting them up in the office solves this issue.

So how does Pilates boost productivity in the office?

Breathing is a key fundament of the exercise. Deep breathing down to the diaphragm is encouraged. This delivers extra oxygen to the blood stream which gives more energy at the same time as relaxing the practitioner.

You can say goodbye to stress as it's sent packing during a Pilates session. People who are not stressed naturally work better and are more effective. This is why companies are so interested in introducing Pilates and Yoga to their workforce. Less absenteeism and more output!

Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is not good for us in the least. First off, our bodies aren't designed to sit down all day. It can cause a variety of lower back pain issues as the muscles that support the spine grow weaker.

Pilates can do a lot for posture. It also promotes the awareness of the posture that leads to it being improved. Once you become aware of what it feels like to be standing correctly, then it's easier to replicate whenever you like, without needing a mirror.

Toned muscles burn more calories than those that aren't. By practising Pilates regularly, you'll be able to lose some extra pounds. You'll gain definition without the bulk of bodybuilding as the muscles around the joints are rebalanced.

There's no favoured gender when it comes to Pilates. You'll find world class athletes doing it as well as stay at home mothers. The New Zealand All Black Team is regularly at it. It prevents injuries whilst making the muscles stronger. It's also reputed to lower the chances of prostate cancer by strengthening the muscles in the pelvic area.

There's no debate on it. Pilates boosts productivity in the office and should be the something that more and more corporations take on board for their staff.

If your company hasn't taken on Pilates for their staff, then you could always suggest it to them. Alternatively, start at home with a Pilates DVD that will teach you all the moves that you need for boosted productivity, toned muscles and weight loss.

Once you start, you should notice some improvement within days - that is if you practise on a daily basis. It's easy to fit into your day by rising a few minutes earlier. I usually start my day with an early walk for 20 minutes and then 20 minutes of Pilates. It sets me up in a good mood and I'm far more effective than I would be otherwise without Pilates.

Thomon Wardle is an experienced practitioner of yoga and pilates exercises. His range of yoga DVDs are listed and available from his site where you can also download a free eBook worth &pound;9.95

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Sunday, December 23, 2012


Copyright (c) 2012 LDJ Solutions, LLC

"Stop crying and dry and your eyes!" That is what my manager told me over 20 years ago after I blurted out in an ugly blubbering cry that I felt trapped in my secretary position. I thought that I would never get to show that company, any company that I could do more than what I was doing. I was smart, I could do more than type, and I wanted to do something bigger and better.

Various periods over the last 20 years, I wanted to cry and scream out the same thing. I felt trapped in relationships, jobs, with coworkers, family, on projects, business situations, commitments, and all sorts of obligations that my moral self would not let me just walk away from because it was "just not right." That is what I told myself.

Feeling trapped is an emotion. That is right. It is not strategic. It is not some complex issue that needs a ton of highly-educated, high-priced professionals to take 8 months or 8 years of your life to get you untrapped. It is a feeling and emotion that can make you rich or keep you broke. You have emotional capital that you have total control over.

What are you going to do with it?

You are unhappy with your business, transitioning to your business, or maybe it is personal and affecting your ability to make money. You need to take "inventory" of your emotional capital and decide what the "accounting" is telling you. I can tell you before you get started that your level of unhappiness connects with your level of being emotionally broke.

Don't worry, I am not going to life coach you. I want you to understand that a happy business owner attracts happy employees and opens more doors simply because of your attitude. And yes, when you are having a good day, you need to fake it until you reach that happy place again.

Think of all the time and energy you exert being unhappy, complaining, not moving forward, calling others to rant and vent, pouting, sitting and doing nothing, eating Ben and Jerry's or Haagen Dazs, shopping, or whatever it is you do when you are unhappy. Now do me one favor, if you don't do another thing. Say out loud to yourself, "The time I was ________ when I was unhappy, I could have been doing ________."

How do you feel? Were you able to finish the sentence? Did it hurt? Did you want to crawl under a rock? What did you say to yourself, right after you said that statement? Now don't get emotionally paralyzed on me. It is not as deep as you think it is.

I know it is hard to be optimistic and resilient or inspired when you feel drained and generally like crap. We have all been like Snow White and bit into the apple of life and became sick with what life dealt us. We became victims overnight and it may have been a rollercoaster or just a downward spiral. The real deal is, you need to rescue you. No one is coming with that unhappy cloud over your head.

You need to decide to change the emotional capital you want to deposit in the bank. Take control and drive your level of happiness by acquiring your new mindset. It doesn't take 8 years and for it to stick, it may take more than 8 days, but it is time to turn the light on and then shine it all over the place.

Before I go, let me give you 5 words for you to keep in mind. Self-reliance, self-confidence, optimistic, resilience, and passion: They all work together to build up your emotional capital.

L. Denise Jackson, Intrapreneur and Ideation Strategist, is the creator of Manage Like You Own It System, a 7-step process to develop creative solutions and a strategic approach to find hidden opportunities for your substantial impact. To receive a FREE Get Untrapped Strategy Session to grow and increase your income, send your name and number to her personally at

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