Thursday, December 13, 2012

Simple Ways to Increase Productivity

Productivity at work can be measured in terms of efficiency. If greater amount of work is done at shorter period of time, then productivity can be considered as highly efficient. Productivity can also be defined simply as accomplishing specific tasks within allotted time or deadlines. Hence, a worker who has not reached the required quota is considered to be not very productive.

Productivity quotient

Productivity can also be measured in terms of the ratio between output and input. Given the same type and amount of work assigned to workers, the worker who has accomplished work with the least amount of wasted resources is considered to be the most productive. For example, a chef who has thrown away many excess ingredients can be considered less productive compared to a chef who has optimized the ingredients given the same dish.

Office-based productivity can also be measured in terms of time efficiency, quota compliance and resource efficiency. There are several simple ways to improve productivity without necessarily working too hard. It is all about working smartly and attitude change. Efficiency can be achieved by simply changing habits.

Here are some basic tips:

1.) Eliminate procrastinations: Start tasks as soon as possible. The earlier you start working on a task, the earlier you will be able to finish it. There may also be enough time to check for quality. The piling up of tasks can be avoided in this manner. Hence, you will not be overwhelmed by deadlines.

2.) Avoid distractions: Are you web surfing a lot or using Facebook during work time? Well, not unless that web surfing and using Facebook are necessary to your work, you should avoid these distractions. Distractions come in various forms but what really matter is your attitude towards them. In most cases, distractions are self-created and can easily be avoided such as multiple opened windows on a computer screen.

3.) Take a break: If you found yourself staring blankly on the computer monitor, perhaps it is time to take a quick coffee break. You might be working for several hours already without actually accomplishing anything significant. This can result to stress and lack of focus. Quick breaks can help you refresh your mind.

4.) Plan your day: Daily routines make things predictable and manageable. If you have daily plan for work, you are likely to be more efficient. Impulsive behavior can be avoided and time can be optimized. Planning should also include anticipating contingencies that could cause you to deviate from your routines.

5.) Organize tasks: Doing tasks by categories and batches may help in making your work more efficient and effective. For example, you can send multiple emails within the first period of your shift. Grouping similar tasks together will make your work less confusing.

You can learn more on how to be productive. Hurry and seize this great opportunity to achieve the career goals you want. Go to this website and claim the free seven-day course!

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