Thursday, December 13, 2012

5 Ways To Improve Your Life

I am a judgment broker who writes a lot. I have used meditation for a decade or longer, and it has really helped me. This article has five ideas that could bring to a less stressful and more productive ways of thinking, which might increase happiness. These concepts have helped me a lot, perhaps these could help others as well:

1) Do not ignore the problems you face. Rather, decide what to do with your problems. Either work on them, or make peace with them and make the best of things, and do not worry about what can't fix. Many of the things folks get mad or sad about, will not matter in the long term picture. When you are broke, try to only think about money as it comes up. I think about my financial situation just when paying bills or shopping. Except for at these times, I never concern myself with money; instead I concentrate on feeling the right way, and making the correct choices.

Accept things as they are. Let things happen, and don't attempt to change what cannot be changed. I know I cannot alter reality, although occasionally in limited ways I can shift it a bit.

2) Be confident, and don't worry over irrelevant criticism by others. How can one get confidence? We're unique having unique assets which make us who we are. When this is not enough, pretend being happy until you make it. Remember to smile, dress comfortably or right, take advantage of your world as it is, and take steps to work on maintenance, or your future.

Pretend to already have a million dollars. When you feel confident, you will act that way. Confidence comes with experience, and if you don't have enough, you can at least pretend as long as you need to.

3) Get motivated to take action, any positive action is right. Attempt to pick the right action to take in every moment. Try to feel as if you have already reached the goal, and start working toward your goal, when you are able. A secret is "Do-Be-Do-Be-Do" (Do things, and Be happy too.)

Try to feel as if you're already wealthy, while you are working at, or planning on earning every dollar in one way or the other. Watch TV or listen to music when you want to, simply start taking constructive action to either benefit your life or future.

4) Meditate. Meditation trains your brain to learning a unique way of being OK with things as they are, and gives one time away from continuous stimulation.

One meditation shortcut is to lie down or sit while listening to binaural-beat sound recordings with quality headphones for a minimum of half an hour a day, keeping your eyes closed. One may purchase binaural sound recordings cheaply from EBay, or buy professional level audio tracks from companies including The Monroe Institute and HoloSync.

I meditate for an hour a day, and sometimes it's the best part of every day, and allows me to detach somewhat from the stresses of everyday life. Meditating doesn't eliminate any problems, although meditation helps you put your problems in perspective, to help make them less like problems and more like situations.

5) Be grateful. Our lives are largely due to chance. Each of us is the combination of countless years of evolution, and the coming together of an infinite number of coincidences, plans, accidents, choices, experiences, and learnings, which all result in who we end up to be.

Living is a gift, and we can learn to consider death as our reward which includes a reminder not to take life for granted. We should appreciate life, make the best of every circumstance, and try not be bothered by trivia. Each minute that goes by causes us to age and eventually will die, and this is our design. Why should we worry about what cannot change? Have fun while this lasts. A near death experience usually makes people appreciate their current lives much more. Over time, you could learn to feel this way, without going anywhere close to death.

Of course, all these ideas are easier to talk or write about, than do, however any progress one makes related to these 5 concepts will probably help. Namaste, that word means acknowledging the spirit in every one of us.

One stop judgment recovery: - Judgment Recovery. The easiest and fastest way to start recovering enforceable judgments. (Mark D. Shapiro 408-840-4610) Free, no obligation judgment evaluations.

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