Monday, December 24, 2012

50 Common Mistakes In Goal Setting

You can surely have great success in personal goal setting when you are aware of the things you should not do. So here are some of the taboos in personal goal setting. Make sure you understand and ponder each of them.

1. Not taking enough action.

2. Not having a good action plan.

3. Not writing down your goals.

4. Not asking help from people who can help.

5. Not gaining and honing the skills you need.

6. Having goals beyond your influence or control.

7. Not taking sufficient time to think about the things you really want.

8. Not clarifying your own purpose of personal goal setting.

9. Not identifying the rewards of successfully getting what you aim for.

10. Not figuring out the consequences of not accomplishing your goals.

11. Not believing in your skills and abilities.

12. Not being optimistic.

13. Setting goals that are contradictory with each other.

14. Setting too many goals.

15. Not setting deadlines.

16. Focusing on too few aspects.

17. Setting goals that are too huge and too difficult.

18. Writing down goals that are too easy.

19. Having goals that are too general.

20. Setting goals that are untimely.

21. Not knowing and understanding all possible obstacles you may encounter.

22. Not reviewing your goals.

23. Not rewriting your goals.

24. Aiming for things that are contrary to your values.

25. Not spending enough time on visualizing the results you expect.

26. Not evaluating your progress.

27. Not rewarding yourself for every good task you have accomplished.

28. Setting goals just because somebody asked you to.

29. Being stuck with your past failures in personal goal setting.

30. Expecting good results too soon.

31. Failing to convert criticisms into something useful.

32. Failing to ask for feedback.

33. Failing to tell a trusted person about your goals.

34. Beating yourself up when things get rough.

35. Not being committed.

36. Not describing your goals.

37. Aiming for things that do not inspire or excite you.

38. Not being organized.

39. Not willing to sacrifice some things in order to reach your goals.

40. Not having enough self-discipline.

41. Depending on other people's actions in order to achieve the things you want.

42. Having no system of remembering the goals you have set.

43. Rushing things.

44. Not allotting room or failure.

45. Expecting things to be perfect.

46. Setting a goal that is too far away.

47. Having goals that are not of high priority.

48. Setting goals that are negatively written.

49. Not thinking of and writing down specific steps on how you can reach your goals.

50. Not willing to change some things in yourself that can hinder you from achieving the things you want in life.

There are more mistakes in personal goal setting that you need to know and avoid. To learn the rest of them, visit Dynamic Productivity website, While you are there, you can also get free 7-day e-course training.

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