Thursday, December 6, 2012

Time Management Tips - You Can Dissolve Procrastination Blues Using 5 Friendly Questions

Time management tips help you overcome procrastination blues. regardless of how you've struggled up until now. Each time you succeed will motivate you to succeed again! So if your to-do list is growing out of control, take this opportunity to confront your Procrastination Time Gremlin.

Start by getting to know your Procrastination Time Gremlin inside out. Then it's much easier to stop it in its tracks!

Know Your Opponent:

If your Procrastination Time Gremlin has a motto, it is, "Ignore it and it will go away!" This voice can be very quiet, but very persuasive. By keeping hyper-alert, you can catch this message before it sinks in. Then, when that thought crosses your mind, you can instantly label it as a distortion, and align yourself with reality. Rationally, you do know that the more you put unwanted tasks out of your mind, the more unfinished business accumulates! And soon, you simply can't tie up all the loose ends as well as you'd like. Let yourself take in how unpleasant this really feels.

Why Procrastinate?

You build strength by understanding your personal motivation to procrastinate. Then you can create the perfect antidote. So, which payoff tempts you the most? Here are just a few examples:

* Perhaps procrastinating steals enough time from your projects to let you dive into something you truly enjoy. And you put the price you must pay out of your mind.

* Maybe forgetting your challenge feels better than facing it squarely... at least, temporarily.

* You might rationalize that you work "best" under pressure. Although deep inside, you know that the final product suffers.

Make a list of what excuses you give yourself when you set important tasks aside.

Remember that no matter how you numb out what the future will bring, the unfinished business still poisons your pleasure!

Breaking the Procrastination Time Gremlin Deadlock:

Since the Procrastination Time Gremlin gets strength from creeping under your rational radar, your best defense is to shine a spotlight on its messages and to expose the myths.

To create an antidote to the Procrastination Time Gremlin, ask yourself:

1. If you continue to procrastinate, what losses will you face?

2. If you continue to procrastinate, what additional work will you need to do to make up for lost time?

3. If you decide to stop procrastinating, what will end? Will you stop nagging yourself?

4. If you decide to stop procrastinating, what will begin? What first step can you commit to right now? Any movement towards your true goal, however small that step may be, points you in the right direction! You have your best energies working for you.

Throughout your question and answer sessions, maintain a friendly and supportive attitude towards yourself. Make it easy to confide in yourself when you're struggling with temptations! Then, you'll get an instant alert when your Procrastination Time Gremlin says, "Just forget about it."

You do yourself such a big favor when you handle your Procrastination Time Gremlin with firmness! Nothing is better for your confidence than knowing you're willing to take good care of yourself in the world as it is.

So how can you start winning back your power and your prospects right now?

Download our free Finding Time Success Kit, with "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Steps to Find More Time & Recharge Your Energy!" at

This time template plus workbook will help you move beyond overwhelm, disappointment, and frustration. You'll find 24 hours really are enough!

Offered to you by Paula Eder, the Time Finder Expert.

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