Wednesday, April 24, 2013

3 Tips on How to be Proactive in Your Life

Being proactive means thinking and acting ahead of anticipated events - this means using foresight. Not only is it a great method for avoiding more work down the road, but it can be extremely important for averting disasters. Many of us look to proactive people as the instigators of action and creative ideas in society.

Here are some suggestions for helping you to become a more proactive person.

The first step in becoming proactive is to get organized. Organize your thoughts, space and schedule. Know which tasks are priorities and which can wait. Write out daily lists of tasks and head the list, 'I will do' and not 'to do'. Boldly cross off each item as it is achieved. Keep this list close at hand and let it direct your actions. If it goes too long without crossing anything off, reassess what you are doing to make sure that you do finish the tasks listed on it.

Be "Response-able"
We all have the ability to consider the infinite number of choices we face when a new situation comes our way. Instead of being reactive, and acting out the first thing that comes to mind, let's focus on being proactive and responding to the situation in the best possible manner.

If you are reactive, you won't think about your response to a situation. If you are proactive, however, you will understand there are many choices available in each situation. Knowing this, you will take the time to pause when a situation arises, and calculate the appropriate response. Essentially, you are being responsible for your results in life.

Think of being responsible as being "response-able." It means you are able to stop, think, and respond to situations in the best possible manner. You are able to put a wall between external circumstance, and internal state of mind - and pause until you decide how to respond to them.

All of us have the ability to respond. In order to exercise this ability more often, we simply need to raise our awareness to how we are dealing with circumstances that come our way. The next time you feel that impulse to react, choose to stop and think. Consider all of your options, and then choose the best option available.

Think positive
Develop a mindset that looks to solve problems instead of dwelling on them. Shifting from a reactive mindset to a proactive mindset won't happen overnight. It will take conscious effort on your part to make the transition; however, the results are definitely worth the effort.

Positivity is the opposite of negativity. Negative thoughts tend to send you back to a reactive mode. Do away with anything that contributes to negative behavior or thinking. This leaves room for positive thinking and promotes a proactive orientation. For example, do not think about what you don't get done on a daily basis. This contributes to negative thinking. Think about what does get accomplished in a day, and set a goal to complete one more thing on your list the next day.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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