Thursday, April 18, 2013

Enchanting Men The Easy Way

Enchanting people have a special aura and down-to-earth attitude that captivates the rest of us long after we've set our eyes on them. Think of women such as Keira Knightley, Jada Pinkett and Anne Hathaway, or men such as Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ewan McGregor. Being enchanting is about having a personality that interests others for its unique style, a certain air of mystery but a realistic attitude about the value of living life as if others matter too.

Be courteous to others. Be nice to other people and they will be nice back to you. Do not swear, badmouth, or be a gossip-monger. If you can't restrain yourself, say nothing at all.

Be sweet or charming. Along with being courteous, sweetness or being charming are an important aspect of having an enchanting outlook. Compliment others regularly, talk in a sweet or charming manner, pick up something if someone drops it and call after them to return it to them, etc.

You don't have to be serious all the time, but don't be overly hyper, either. Be whimsical but mature, and lighten the mood.

Another thing to consider when being an enchantress is how unique you are. There are loads of labels these days, and many people feel that they are unique when in fact they are simply following another trend. When uniqueness is a trend, no one is very unique. Read on to find out how to be truly unique.

Don't think that being alone means that you are lonely. If you feel like being on your own, don't think of yourself as weird or a loner. When you are in a situation that leaves you alone though you'd rather be with others, try not to think about what you could be doing with others, and what they are doing. This only leads to dissatisfaction. Do something that requires quiet and a distraction-free environment, such as reading, practicing an instrument, writing a book, or working on an art project. Enjoy the freedom of being able to privately explore your interests.

Have the power to think independently. Don't give in to peer pressure, whether it be your parents, friends or teachers. Be skeptical and explore ideas for yourself. Learn something valuable from everyone you meet.

Once you have found the courage to be yourself, be happy with who you are. But avoid trying to push your ideas onto your friends - you will all end up looking the same again.

Consider your own unique style. You may have developed your own style without even knowing it. Take a closer look at what kinds of clothes you already own.

Are your favorite outfits appropriate for most of your daily activities? Do you tend to buy clothes that you are drawn to, even if they are utterly impractical for your lifestyle? If so, those clothes are definitely "your style." Divide the magazine pictures into as many categories as correspond to your lifestyle. For example, you could have 1 pile labeled "casual," one pile labeled "work" and one pile labeled "formal.

Have a clothing swap. Invite your friends over for an evening and ask them to bring a few outfits they no longer want or like. Have everyone try on each other's unwanted clothes. Everyone goes home happy and it doesn't cost you anything.

For more information about how to enchant men, check out this site: Another article I'm sure you'll like is the Enchant Men Review:

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