Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Warriors, Diplomats, Heroes

Copyright (c) 2012 Scott F Paradis

The men and women serving in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard continue every day to accomplish remarkable feats of discipline and daring, both in far-off places and close to home. Courageous men and women don the uniform to serve. Through their commitment to enduring values, their focus overcoming daunting challenges, and their willingness to act despite the risks we all get to live fuller and richer lives.

America's Armed Forces have endured countless adversities and overcome powerful adversaries. They have won the peace and secured the future by overcoming fear, advancing when retreat seemed the better course, and employing the power of cohesive teams in measures necessary to the task. From the Armed Forces' achievements one can draw timeless principles for succeeding in battle, in business, and in life.

America's servicemen and women are warriors, diplomats, and heroes - leaders, thinkers, and doers. They are courageous and tenacious, disciplined and focused, thoughtful and selfless. Through their dedication and sacrifice America has built an unparalleled legacy of achievement.

Guts and glory are attractive enticements for young men and women seeking to discover what they are capable of, seeking to challenge themselves, and aspiring to spend their energy and talents in a cause worthy of their devotion. America's military services offer this opportunity. Men and women join as individuals but are soon forged into cohesive teams, teams grounded in principles, teams focused on accomplishing the nation's missions, teams willing and able to act, and act decisively.

America's military succeeds because the warriors, diplomats, and heroes filling the ranks seek the highest good for mankind. Warriors fight, diplomats persevere, and heroes sacrifice so that the people they leave behind might have a chance to live free, to grow, and to prosper.

Winning - succeeding - whether in combat or in business are not so different. The principles are the same, only the conditions vary. Before a battle, there is no mistaking the risk - a warrior is all in. In business and in everyday life people tend to think and act with less urgency, less conviction. In doing so they neglect to realize life hangs in the balance.

At various times in your life you are called upon to be a warrior, a diplomat, a hero - you must follow and you must lead. When you lead inspire people to act - provide a compelling vision and irresistible motivation. Your success is ultimately the product of a team. Show your team how to do, become, create, something extraordinary.

Success in any area of life is possible, is achievable for anyone. It's just not for the faint of heart. America's warriors, diplomats, and heroes demonstrate this fact. Become a warrior, a diplomat, a hero. Improve personally and excel professionally. Discipline yourself to see what you are truly capable of. Set the pace and lead by example. Build cohesive, capable teams. Prove yourself worthy to be counted among the elect few - a warrior, a diplomat, a hero.

Scott F. Paradis, author of "Warriors Diplomats Heroes, Why America's Army Succeeds - Lessons for Business and Life", focuses on the fundamental principles of leadership and success

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