Monday, August 13, 2012

How To Keep A Man Interested

Do you ever wonder if you are using the right techniques to attract - and keep your man? If you do wonder about that, consider these few tips that will make a big difference in how you act, and react.

Men want to feel important: Now, that is not exactly rocket science, but remember that to a man, failure is like a disease - slowing eating away at their self-esteem. This is not to say that you can make a real dolt seem like anything but what he is; but, you can take a moderately successful man - and make him feel more successful. And as you do that, magically, he will become more important. Just try it! It truly can work miracles.

Everyone is attracted to happy people, and men are no exception: When you are happy, you become like a magnet to everyone - and here is the secret: When you are displaying happiness, this guy (husband, boyfriend, or prospect) feels important and successful. Isn't that interesting? You feel happy, and he feels important; if there ever was a natural way on how to keep a man interested, this is it. A true win-win proposition!

Remember, from toddlers - they (men) were taught not to `feel`: "That didn't hurt", "Don't cry", "Be a Man". The truth is that you are most likely the only person he will share things with, so keep that in mind. You are his only source of sharing - and knowing that will put things in perspective for you. Knowing that, and nurturing that, is powerful, indeed.

Try to Change Him at your own Risk: Ever hear the old saying: Men marry woman - hoping they will never change (Fat chance of that happening, right?); Woman marry men - hoping they will change (Hah, never happens).

Now, there are a few steps to initiate the flirting process, and here they are:

1. There is the Attention-Getting Step - which pretty much boils down to establish your `territory`, and show yourself off to your best advantages: You know what they are
2. Wink or Smile -encouraging an approach
3. Initial Verbal Contact - Check out his pick-up line. If it is a corny pick up line, cross this guy off, unless he delivers it with confidence and cockiness. In that case, reserve judgment for a few more minutes of conversation.
4. Touching Part: This is when you begin eliminating the physical distance, and see if there is a brush of the arm which is not backed away from; If the touch is reciprocated, the dance may be beginning.

By now, you see that these tidbits will indeed make a gradual change in your life. If you want an EXPLOSIVE change in your life - explore here!

Ron Vicari is a skilled conversationalist - and brings the art of communication to a simple, fun adventure. He firmly believes that everything we do in our lives revolves around effective communication - whether it be in a social setting such as a dinner party, or in a boardroom - or in a bedroom.
Good Conversation Skills make Good Relationships!
Find him at:

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