Sunday, August 19, 2012

How To Rapidly Expand The Power Of Your Memory

Most people have a misconception about memory. We feel as if our skills are set in stone, and they can never get better. This is absolutely false. There's plenty of data from plenty of scientific studies that show memory can be strengthened just like a muscle. And the more you exercise it, the better it gets. That's good news for people who think they have trouble remembering things. If you've ever struggled to remember names, grocery lists, or things for a school test, this article is for you. You are about to learn some proven tips that can help you significantly increase the power of your memory.

Puzzles and memory games are great. If you've ever seen a martial arts movie where somebody was training with what looked a rather large cat scratching post, that's what puzzles do for your brain. The more you try to work out difficult puzzles, be they word puzzles or number puzzles, the more you'll boost your brain power. A great way is to keep some puzzles handy to do during commercial breaks.

Just like any kind of sport, the more you practice doing something, the easier it gets. So if you want to improve your memory, then simply practice remembering things. For example, take a look at something rather complicated. Then close your eyes and try to reproduce it in your mind. Describe as vividly as you can with your eyes closed. Doing this every day will have some magnificent results.

Of course, what you eat can have a strong impact on your brain. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Also try to stay away from processed foods, especially processed carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and sweets. They sure taste good, but they'll turn your brain into a bucket of sludge, and you won't be able to think much better than a zombie.

The more you read, the stronger your brain gets. Make sure to read something just above your comfort level. For example, if you like reading comic books, try reading some classical literature. If you like classical literature, try reading some medical reports.

One good game to play is word association. Think of a word, and then say the first word that pops into your head. Then say the next word that pops into your head. You can make it more difficult by making sure that no two words belong to the same category. For example, you couldn't say, "car, truck," because they are both forms of transportation. The longer you can go without pausing, the stronger your brain is getting.

When you take the time to improve it, you'll be amazed how incredibly powerful your brain can become. But just like any other muscle, the "use it or lose it" rule applies. Do some of these brain exercises every day so you can stay mentally sharp.

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