Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Does He Love Me?

Dating losers is the scourge of many single women. For these gals, there seems to be a pattern of guys who wind up breaking hearts and leave them in tears. For some reason, these poor women need help in identifying the signs of these loser louts, and need help in learning how to understand men.

Let's identify the characteristics of these guys, who really do not want a relationship.

• Totally into himself - little empathy for a woman's needs
• Has a pattern of `sweet talking` women - into the nearest bed
• He will wine and dine you and give you great compliments
• He will tell you how lucky he is to have met you

This kind of person will have you constantly asking yourself, "Does he love me?" Hey, he is good at the above - having done it many, many times. These guys are great - at first. But - this is a huge BUT - in time they almost always (correct that - delete the `almost`) become less attached, less affectionate, and more distant to you, to the point of callousness.

Do these characteristics sound familiar to you:

• Never, or seldom, call back
• Break dates
• Forget their wallet

Recognize this guy? Maybe a small sign was given when you recall that he never said he loved you, and turned a little yellow around the gills when the concept of commitment came up - and speedily changed the subject.

He will leave you scratching your head, and wondering what men want, really. I'll bet you never woke up in the morning and said, "Today I will find a lout who will use and abuse me."

Well, I'm guessing you never said that, but by the sheer number of women who regularly fall for this type of guy - sometimes you have to wonder!

It is so easy to confuse the intense feelings of the moment with the possibility of a long term commitment which you may be seeking. It is difficult to separate the excitement of the night with the reality of the morning coffee, but separate them, you must. The big problem is that the excitement of the moment tends to overshadow the signs that are there, but somewhat clouded by the fun of the moment. So, the intensity of their feelings hide the bad, inconsistent behavior that they would otherwise see and acknowledge.

What if there was a way to effortlessly attract men that were both exciting AND honest. Suppose there were a treasure trove of information that show how successful women captivate men in such a way that leads to permanent fulfillment, and actual, real love?

Ron Vicari is a skilled conversationalist - and brings the art of communication to a simple, fun adventure. He firmly believes that everything we do in our lives revolves around effective communication - whether it be in a social setting such as a dinner party, or in a boardroom - or in a bedroom.
Good Conversation Skills make Good Relationships!
Find him at: http://relationshipsadvices.org

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