Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Tool That Can Change Your Life

In this article, I am going to tell you something, which is very powerful and has the ability change your life for a better tomorrow. It will not only give you a meaningful life but will also help you in achieving your goals. It is a proven formula and has helped millions of people on this planet in understanding - their own thoughts and their own soul.

It was taught to me by my mentor, whose story is a living example of self-determination, self-confidence and self-reliance.

He was very poor and worked as a security guard in a company. Sometimes he even lived and slept on streets to save some money for food. But, today he is a multi-billionaire and owns a high six-figure business. All that he has today was not given by his forefathers but he achieved all this on his own. He is not an example of "born great" but he is an example of people who have greatness inside them. He is truly a self-made man, who built financial abundance and happiness for himself from scratch.

He told me that your outer world is an exact reflection of your inner world. It means, that you see things in the same way as you are from inside. If you are good and honest then you will feel that everyone in this world is good and honest but if you are bad then you will feel that everyone in this world is bad and dishonest.

He further explained that everything you see around yourself is the result of continuous processing of your unconscious thought and emotions.

These continuously processing unconscious thoughts and emotions affect your relationships, your health, your income and also the quality of your life

As an example, just by reading this article daily, you will slowly and steadily, condition and turn into a more attractive and successful man without even realizing it. Some of my acquaintances and friends who have worked and been with me for last many years, told me that the decision of reading this article daily was one of the best decisions they have ever made in their life.

All these changes happen unconsciously and therefore you will never be able to realize that you are changing from inside.

These are the little things that you will be doing on daily and weekly basis and will make a big difference later. It does not have to be hard but it needs be consistent.

Most of the people in this world are living just because they have to live, without even realizing what drives their reactions and thoughts. And, due to this they become afraid of taking major decision of their life and depend upon others for making the decisions of their life. This kind people are not sure of what they have to do, what they have to achieve and what is that one thing without which they cannot live.

The first thing that you need to do, to improve the quality of your life is to improve the quality of people you spend time with. I have made this mistake for many years when I was young. I did friendship with people who never use to care about me, use to lie to me, and always tried putting me down. They never treated me a part of their group, although I did everything they asked me to do. I even use to support them financially but all that went in vain. Sometimes, I even use to cry when I was alone. I had everything and was a one of the class topper but all I wanted was good friends which I never got till my high school.

But after meeting my mentor, I feel better now. Now, I am extremely cautious of whom I should spend my time with.

I will feel really honored, if you can spare just five minutes every day out of your busy schedule to read this article.

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