Monday, August 27, 2012

Easy Tricks To Powerfully Supercharge Your Memory

Are you great remembering names? Most people aren't. Even two minutes after meeting somebody, their name vanishes from our minds faster than ice cream on a hot sidewalk. Same goes with facts, figures, grocery lists, and, um, what was I about to say? The good news is that there are plenty of tricks you can do that will dramatically improve your ability to remember almost anything. The more often you do these tricks, the better memory you'll have.

One thing to understand is that your memory is just like a muscle. If you don't use it, it will turn into a blob of useless flab that is only strong enough to get you up off the couch and to the refrigerator. But when you exercise it regularly, your mind can be as strong as the Incredible Hulk. Except for the green angry stuff.

How do you exercise your brain? One way is through imagination. The more you actively visualize things, the stronger your memory will get. We think in terms of pictures, whether we know it or not. Consider this, when you see somebody, how do you know if you know them or not? Your brain takes a brief snapshot of their face, sorts through your memory, and compares the picture you see with the picture that's in your head. Then it tells you, in about 0.2 seconds, that you know this person. If you didn't think in pictures, this would be impossible. You would have to wait to hear them talk, or smell them or lick them or something.

When you want to remember certain items, like a person's name, or things on a grocery list, simply link what you want to know to what you already know. The way you link things together is with big, crazy, cartoon-like pictures. Say you see a guy coming towards you at a party. He introduces himself as "Mike." You quickly think of a microphone. Then simply picture his face, or something unique about his body or clothes, and connect it to a crazy, cartoon-like picture of a microphone. For example, if he's got a big nose, then imagine a big microphone hanging out of his nose or something. That way, you'll never forget his name.

A good way to practice this is simply check out a few baby name websites. Practice thinking of pictures of common, everyday items that make you think of their names. Whatever works for you is fine. And since you're never, ever, going to tell anybody how you specifically remember names, you an be as politically incorrect as you like.

You can remember other things the same way. One way is by connecting a list of things you want to remember, say a grocery list, to a list of things you already know, like parts of your body, or rooms in your house. Just hook them up with crazy pictures, and it will be much easier to remember them.

When you start doing this, you'll be amazed how easy it is. And then you'll never forget anybody's name ever again, and you'll soon be the talk of the town.

To find out more ways to dramatically improve your memory, please visit right now. You'll learn about an amazing mind software that makes learning anything easy. Check out today.

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