Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 Things You Must Give Up To Be Successful

There are some things that unsuccessful people do which hinder them from being a success. Some of these things are engrained in their lives, that they are not even aware they slowly prevent them from seizing all the good opportunities life has to offer.

How many of these are you guilty of? Find out and be on your way to the road to improvement.

Wasting your precious time. Time is something you cannot afford to waste, because once you waste it, you can never get it back. The way you use your time defines who you are. When you don't make wise use of time, you lose out on so many chances, and you may even end up dying without having done something worth mentioning or emulating. Furthermore, don't make it a habit to waste other people's time. Make every conversation and moment spent with you meaningful.

Don't be late for appointments, don't make other people wait. A person who has no regard for time, whether it be their own or others', is a bane - it shows a degree of selfishness and self-centeredness, so characteristic of unsuccessful individuals.

Making all sorts of excuses. People who always blame their inefficiency on other factors or people are frustrating. For a certain degree of respect, you must be able to take responsibility for your actions, and stop making all sorts of excuses. People who are like this are hard to trust because you can't really tell if they are telling the truth or not. Worse, working with people who blame others for their own faults makes the entire task of working an even more excruciating ordeal. Beware - he/she might be talking behind your back and putting you in a bad light when speaking with others.

Constantly doing wrong things even when you know they are wrong. Now how is this even excusable? Not knowing that what you are doing is wrong is already embarrassing - actually it is more of being ignorant or naïve. But to do something which you know is wrong - yet still do it - is not only shameful, it also shows that you don't care. To a certain degree, it is dishonesty.

It could also be interpreted as having no regard for the feelings of others. If you want to be successful, you have to know in your heart and mind when something is not right, and make a conscious effort not to do it. This is how some people gain the trust of others.

Being what others want you to be. Every human being is unique, so embrace your uniqueness. To be told to do and be like the rest, even when you know you are not, is practically allowing others to rule over your life. Remember that the best kind of relationships, whether it be love, business or friendship allows you to be who you are - faults included. Stop trying too hard to please people. The ones who are willing to accept you for who you are are the ones who will stick with you through thick and thin. Believing other people when they tell you that you are not capable. Wait - how do they know? Only you will know what you can and cannot do. You should know yourself more than anyone else (yes, even your mother). Other people do not know your struggles to improve yourself, your skills, your emotional tolerance, and your intelligence - so they cannot tell you that you can't -especially if you know that you can.

Stop believing the naysayers - they are just envious of your capacities, which is why they are trying to bring you down to their own miserable levels. The sooner you turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to negative people, the sooner you will reach your goals and dreams. Make yourself happy - don't give other people the pleasure.

If you find yourself guilty of one or two of these qualities, make a conscious effort to change - it's the best way you can reach success.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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