Friday, August 24, 2012

How Gel Nail Varnish Can Stay Perfect For An Entire Vacation

A long lasting nail color is hard to achieve without a gel nail polish. With standard paints, the coat is breakable and brittle and easily peels off when wet. This is annoying for anyone who needs a manicure done for a special occasion as they have to be very careful with their hands. People who work with their hands cannot get a normal manicure done too far in advance of the event because it will not survive long enough. Gels are different in that this isn't a problem - they will not fall off no matter how roughly the hands are used.

The mixture that makes up OPI gel nail polish is designed to dry much more firmly onto on the nail. It is slightly different to conventional paint as it necessitates UV light to set it. Just like regular lacquer, it is applied in stages with a base, color and top coat, but the difference is that each layer needs specialist drying. It is made from another compound to acetone so it sets much differently. All of this culminates in a harder-wearing color that will withstand much more impact.

Pace of application is not a concern with gel paints as it would be with acetone solutions. The color can be worked in carefully and slowly as it will not begin to set until it gets UV light, resulting in more freedom to experiment and create better artwork. This opens up the range of patterns that are available and gives the individual more choice over their color. Blending, gradients and fine detailing are all much easier to do with paint brushes and nail gel polish.

Longer lasting nail polish is great for summer vacations as it can be applied long before the trip starts and last the whole duration. OPI gel nail polish will not be impaired by sand, salty sea water, chlorinated pool water or any of the other harsh elements found on vacation. Toes will look as good getting off the plane as they will climbing back on two weeks later. The best part is that the individual does not need to be watchful with her hands as the varnish will remain robust no matter what.

Girls like to look good, but there are often conflicting reasons for and against nail polish. A new selection of gel colors means that this anger is no longer there. It is so solid that there is no chance of a chip happening, and it will stay this way until it is removed or grows out.

Painting your nails can make them look attractingly beautiful. Apart from having perfect manicure, the gel nail varnish is completely safe for everyone. You can learn more goods on this issue by browsing nailuvpolish colors.

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