Friday, August 24, 2012

Secrets In Getting A Man To Make A Marriage Proposal

After many years of courtship, a woman expects a surprise from the man by being proposed. This is the most important day but for some circumstances, the woman might be worried why it is taking too long and might employ some tricks in getting a man to propose within a short time.

Getting a man to propose is not an easy task because you might be setting an ultimatum which he may dislike. For the lady waiting for that ring, it may cause discomfort and sometimes be very disheartening and may result in one feeling unloved, rejected, confused and always sad. And when a man realizes he is being pushed towards the marriage path, he will push back and resist more than double the efforts and that proposal will not come as soon as you are expecting.

Tips to make him propose without pressurizing him

In getting a man to propose, a woman should never make that mistake of showing desperately they want a marriage proposal. In fact a woman should avoid talking about the subject and even hinting about the proposal. One mistake to avoid is leaving bride magazines in view as the man will get the message and try to get as far away as possible. No marriage gossips and talks allowed.

Secondly in getting a man to propose, a woman should avoid giving their whole. This means the man will feel some hunger for you. This is called the secret power of longing and a woman should wholly use it. Avoid moving in with a man before marriage itself and limit your night sleeps with him to create the feeling of hunger. When he misses you he will put more efforts to get you and a proposal will surprise you.

A woman must be patient and wait a little bit while keeping it real and establishing boundaries. A man who is not emotionally and mentally prepared for the marriage should be given enough space to get things up. Taking time to make the evaluation in any relationship is important and those making excuses should be avoided.

After going out with a man for some period, some women will fail to keep the fire burning. Whatever made the man attracted to you should be maintained and improved. The appearance and personality is something that will make a man to propose marriage because they will want to get more, hence a marriage proposal will be coming soon.

Additionally in getting a man to propose, a woman should avoid getting bored in life. Maintain the fun and explore new things in life like adventure. A woman who dwells in one thing for a long time is not interesting and may suffer from personality and low spirit and this will make the man realize you are bored hence no proposal. If you are having fun, the man will be interested and will want to be party to that fun which may lead to a proposal.

When an argument arises, a woman must be careful. Old issues should never resurface back and only the current should be dealt with. Be focused and work out the solutions. This will make it easier in getting a man to propose as they are sure of a person who can be relied upon in solving a problem and who is comfortable to deal with in life. This will make him propose.

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