Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fix Your Inner Bio-Computers Today!

This article is about four quick and efficient ways you can make your life better by optimizing your human energy system and inner bio-computers.

Have you ever noticed that people act like computers? That's right, we all have hardware (your body), a hard drive (your bio-energetic field), wiring (your nervous system) and programs (your automatic or learned behaviors). Maybe it's more accurate to say that computers act like us!

Now, if you know how your human energy system works, then you are much more likely to fix the parts that are broken or limping, right? Then you have a much better chance of improving your output, which is your life.

There is lots of advice out there about how to improve your physical body, make money and deal with your physical world. But just like with your computer, the output depends on what's happening inside those bio-computers - in your soul and spirit. As Einstein said, "you cannot fix a problem at the level of its symptoms - you have to go higher."

That's equally true with any physical problems you might have; you must go to a higher level in order to correct or clear the causes before you can expect to see any change in the physical symptoms. So you need to check your soul/psychology in order to bring in better programs and therefore create better output. The good news is that once you pull out the roots, so to speak, the leaves and flowers are much easier to deal with. In computer terms, once you clear the contaminations, your whole system works better and your built-in programs function properly once more.

In my experience as a human programmer, about 80% of people's problems arise from automatic patterns they've picked up from their family, spouses, people in their church, neighborhood, school, and so on. It's like picking up a computer virus - it just doesn't work in your inner bio-computers. There are only three possible results:

-- You end up running a program you don't want.

-- You use valuable system resources to get past that program.

-- Your system crashes - and that's how people end up with mysterious conditions like AIDS, mononucleosis, lupus, allergies and MS.

Now, getting your system completely clear and tuned up is a long process that's best done with an integration coach - but of course I would say that! Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to get started. Do these four things every day, and your life will get brighter and clearer as your innate programs start to work again:

-- Stay in the Now as much as possible. When you find your attention wandering, bring it back whatever you are doing now. When you find yourself stressed or worried, treat that issue like a cloud passing by. Oh, look - a memory of pain… There it goes again… If it's in the past or future, you can't affect it anyway, so stay in the Now where/when you can have fun creating the life you'd really like!

-- Start your day with gratitude. Every morning, think of five things you are thankful for, however small. This sets your bio-energetic field to the right vibration, and it keeps your focus where it should be: on all the great things happening for you right now.

-- Speak ONLY the words that you want to experience. Don't talk about what you don't want (like, "I'm worried about paying my bills"); instead, keep saying "I'm thankful that all my bills are covered with ease" or "my income is rising every day". Put yourself on a 'negativity' fast - for 21 days, let only positive words pass your lips.

-- ONLY DO ONE THING AT A TIME. Multi-tasking is the primary cause of stress. Take your time, and give your whole attention to whatever you are doing, minute by minute. You'll do it better and enjoy it more - whatever it is!

That's pretty easy, wouldn't you agree? Four new habits to develop: stay in the Now, be grateful, speak positive words, and stay focused. I promise, you'll be amazed how how quickly your output improves and your life gets more productive and enjoyable!

Dr. Kyre Adept is a certified Geotran human programmer and integration coach. Her practice ART of Integration is based in Santa Barbara; she helps high-flyers all over the world to create their rich, delicious lives. Find out how human reprogramming can help you soar! For more info, go to

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