Thursday, March 14, 2013

You Become What You Believe

"Faith is the bird that sings when the dawn is still dark." - Rabindranath Tagore

What is it that you believe about yourself and your life? Do you believe in the best and do you fill your life with laughter, hope and joy? Or, do you believe in the worst? Have you given up hope and is joy a fleeting memory.

There are so many stresses and pressures in life that is it any wonder people feel bad, have anxiety and are worried sick over what the future will bring? Sometimes life dishes out a lot of inedible crap that we should dump in the garbage but instead we swallow it and it becomes a part of us.

We encounter bad people, bad circumstances and bad feelings along our journey and these things have an impact on how we view ourselves and the world.

Unless you have your self-esteem in check and you are Super Secure these kinds of things rock your world and chip away at your foundation. It's your history.

And it's that history that causes you to falter when you encounter the next bad thing along the way. It makes you lose a little bit of hope because you've been there before and it didn't work out.

Or, your history stops you dead in your tracks for trying something again because of the pain and anguish it caused you the first time down that road.

And, your history can make you feel gripped by fear, sad and resigned that good things just don't happen to you; because that is what you've experienced in the past.

So how do you crawl out of your history and find the old you; the hopeful, fun and lighthearted person that you used to be?

We all have history that happens to us and it's what you believe about those situations and how you choose to let them affect you that will make the difference in how you experience life and how you move forward.

Are you happy or sad? Hopeful or scared? Will life be good or bad? Do you have faith or don't you believe?

The biggest thing to remember is that it all comes down to what we believe. The only thing that can trump history is faith.

What if I were to tell you that without a shadow of a doubt your life is going to turn around? What if you knew that somehow some way things were going to get better and that you are being divinely guided in all of your choices and that the future is going to be awesome?

You would love it, wouldn't you? It would lift an incredible burden of fear and worry off of your shoulders and you would look forward to your day with excitement and anticipation of what the future may bring.

Well this is what I call faith. It is what you believe about whether you think God (Higher Power/Buddha or whomever or whatever you believe in) has your back or not.

If you can find a way to stay in a mindset of faith it will bring light to where there is darkness.

"According to your faith and trust, be it done to you." (v.29-30amp) "Become what you believe." These are powerful thoughts, think about them and ask yourself, "What do you believe?"

What you believe has an incredible impact on how you live. So, " Keep the faith!"

Do you want to live a better life or do you just want to talk about it? Susan Russo is an author and coach whose direct approach is a wake-up call for those who are sleep walking through life. Susan is fast becoming known as the go-to coach to transform your attitude towards life! Find out how to wake up each day and enjoy your life at:

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