Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Improve Memory And Get Good Grades

A common question asked by students worldwide is - "Will I get good grades if I improve my memory?" Certainly, there is a correlation between the two and improving memory is the most common approach students end up using in their endeavor of getting better grades.

There are consequences if they aren't performing well in school. High school students won't have an easy time being accepted into a college they want to and college students won't be able to land the more desirable and financially rewarding jobs, which are increasingly in short supply.

Really...getting good grades, so they can eventually land their dream job with high pay or maybe start their own business and answer to themselves as the boss, is what they are trying to achieve.

Well, improving memory will get you better grades but just how do you approach it? How do you go about it? It depends on your specific situation but there are some basic things you can do to improve your memory. I'll cover some of them here.

Sleep - not just any sleep but deep, restful sleep. This allows your body and brain to fully recharge, which is what's needed for peak performance. Today's society is so frazzled from daily life that getting enough of the proper sleep can be difficult - but not impossible. It is something that people need to be adamant about and get at least 6 hours, minimum, to 8 hours of deep, restful sleep. Make whatever changes needed to get this necessary sleep. For those of you who have difficulty falling and staying asleep, you can explore natural sleep aides or talk to your doctor.

Reducing stress is very helpful in improving memory, but let me give you a little advice about trying to control stress. You will only create more stress if you are trying to reduce stress caused by something or someone you have absolutely no control over...and that's a fact. When tackling stress, ask yourself this - "Would anything that I could possibly say or do make any positive change in this situation and reduce stress in my life?" If your answer is "No" then you must learn how to let it go and not allow it to cause you any more stress. It's simply a mind over matter situation that you do have control over. Then, move on to the stressful situations that are in your control and work on them.

LAUGH! They always say that laughter is the best medicine and they are right. When you laugh you engage many areas of the brain. When was the last time you really had a good belly laugh? You know - one that made your tummy and face hurt from laughing so hard. Do you remember how good you felt afterward and how long you felt that way? Get more of it into your life.

Feed your brain, as well as your body. Proper nutrition is next to restful sleep as being the most important things you can do to improve memory. Cut out the sodas, sugar, and junk food. It really isn't that hard. It's simply a personal choice you have to make each time shop or you sit down to eat. No one is forcing you to eat badly. Do whatever you can to get more fresh fruits and veggies into your body. Taking supplements will help, as well. See your doctor or nutritionist for suggestions.

Just as important as feeding your brain is using your brain. The old saying "Use it or lose it" is oh so true. While having a sensible amount of laziness in your life can actually be better for you than rigorous exercise, using your brain too little too often is not so good. Clinical studies have proven the correlation between excessive brain laziness and memory loss. Google "Brain exercises" and you will find countless ways to keep your brain sharp through your whole life.

Let's talk about study habits a little bit. As important as all the things I've covered so far are, what your study habits consist of is equally as important. If you are studying the wrong way, you're banging your head against the wall. You have to study smarter - not harder. One of the smartest things you can do is create a schedule for yourself and stick to it. Study when you are alert, rested, and planned on it. Studying in these conditions are optimal for learning and memorization. Make necessary adjustments to your schedule until you find the right balance for you. Most importantly - STICK TO IT! It's not helpful if you don't.

Your future is entirely up to you - no one else. The time is now for you to seize the moment and decide that you want to improve your memory and get better grades in school. Your entire life depends on what you do right now!

For more information about how to improve your memory, check out this site, Another article that I'm sure you'll like is this Good Grades Guide review here,

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