Saturday, March 30, 2013

Why You Need to Know How Your Belief System Might be Hurting Your Attraction.

What's the actual scoop with males and their feelings about ladies, dating and commitments? Are the male/female stereotypes we've been lead to believe true?

Stereotypes actually harm relationships. Unfortunately, lots of females still subscribe to some of these harmful ideas. Even nowadays women believe some of this bunk. Below are just a few illustrations.

"Men are full of BS"

"The planet is governed by males"

"Men desire one thing - intercourse"

"Every one the decent ones are claimed"

These are over-used clichés. After you hear them enough you begin to trust them and blind yourself to the excellent opportunities that are waiting for you.

Dangerous as it is to shape self-fulfilling prophesies such as these, an additional unwanted consequence is that guys actually perceive these feelings and are repulsed.

Females who presume these stereotypes are true actually have a demeanor. The way they function and the way they respond are all affected by their attitudes. Guys can sniff this easier than a dog sniffs a bone.Guys can read this pretty quickly.

Obviously, this is not a quality that will pull in a man.

Just picture it this way. Let's suppose you spent time with a man and his mentality toward females only revolved around sex? Or, what if he thought men are the smarter gender?

This wouldn't take you too long to figure out how he really thinks about women. His genuine feelings would affect every action, every conversation and could scream his low opinion of women.

Would you want to go forward seeing this guy after you figured out where he was coming from? You'd get out of there fast!

Can you understand that the issue with believing in stereotypes is that they cloud your ability to see what's going on around you and to act accordingly? Stereotypes will draw in you to situations and people you don't want because they verify your incorrect beliefs to be correct. The result is they force away the deserving men and relationships from you.

The only way to create a wonderful, beautiful relationship is to pay attention to what truly is going on.

Which means you must start questioning yourself and what's motivating you. What are your genuine thoughts about men? Can they be manipulating the way you act around them? Evaluating your belief system could be rough. Determining what is a false belief from a true belief will take some soul searching. Seeing how your false beliefs are injuring your relationships may be a rude awakening.

The number one move to drawing the ideal man is to know your restricted belief system and discard it. Stop looking at men and relationships through mud colored glasses. Understand that you may have been inadvertently polarizing the first-rate guys. Approach each new guy or relationship fresh, seeing for the positive.

Check out a great article on this subject here: Another great article you'll like is here:

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