Monday, March 11, 2013

The Problem With Potential

"She's just not living up to her potential."

ARRGGHH! (Pardon me while I gnash my teeth.)

I know you've heard that expression about "living up to your potential". Maybe it was applied to you, maybe to your child, or maybe even to your business.

I know I heard it all through elementary school, high school, and college (the first time around). Over and over and over again . . .not living up to her potential . . . she isn't being mature about doing her homework . . . by fifth grade, she ought to have more self-motivation . . . Blah Blah Blah . . .

AND I BOUGHT INTO IT . . .I bought into the LIE of POTENTIAL . . .And I was MISERABLE... I felt embarrassed, unsure, incompetent, and confused. I just couldn't get it right. Oh, wait a moment . . . I forgot to tell you that

I had completed first grade and second grade in ONE YEAR ! ! ! ... And no one took a moment to think: Wait a gosh darn second here . . She's already ahead of the game. No wonder she might seem a bit immature compared to her classmates. She's a year younger! Let's just back up a minute and

RELAX ABOUT POTENTIAL... So, why am I bringing this up? Because so many of us have heard that. And so many of us tell ourselves every day that we should be living up to our potential, and we berate ourselves for not doing more, not doing better, not DOING IT RIGHT...

But here's a bit of news that will SET YOU FREE!... Are you ready? Okay. . .here it is: "You will NEVER LIVE UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL!:.. Think about it for a minute. You have a certain amount of skills and abilities, whether you are eight years old, twenty years old, or a ripe old fifty-four like me. A nice big bag of what-you-do and where-you've-been and what-you've-learned.

And, based on that, you have a certain amount MORE that you could reasonably be expected to develop into. Things you could learn, ways you could stretch yourself, even some quantum leaps you could accomplish.

So, a few days or weeks or months pass, and your abilities and skills improve a little bit. And what happens then? YOU MOVE THE SET POINT OF YOUR POTENTIAL ! ! !...

By doing more, you have created more potential! And every time you move forward in your life, you again create MORE POTENTIAL. If someone is hollering at you to live up to your potential, you're going to start feeling a bit like Sisyphus, forever rolling that darn boulder up that hill. HEY!.. (you say)... What about the part where I feel BETTER? Here it is . . . That POTENTIAL of yours is really a wonderful thing. It is your friend.

The secret is toStop pushing against your Potential...See your Potential for the treasure-trove it is... Let your Potential LEAD YOU forward into unimagined discoveries...

Right now, I'm blasting forward with MORE POTENTIAL THAN I HAVE EVER FELT BEFORE...

If you want to see what I'm up to, what it is that has me so excited that I'm up at 2:00 in the morning writing this blog after a 12-hour teaching day,If you want to join a dynamite group of POSITIVE, JOYOUS PEOPLE who are EXPANDING THEIR POTENTIAL BY THE SECOND.. You Can!...

Embrace your POTENTIAL. It is GOLDEN. And if they tell you you're not living up to your Potential, you just turn around, smile sweetly and say Baby, I'm SAILING my POTENTIAL to the STARS! ...

And let 'em just try to catch up with you . . . As always, thanks for taking the time to read.. And I'll see you here tomorrow.

All the best, all the time...

About The Author: Lorna Joy Shashinda - Lorna Helps People Live their Best Lives. Do you hate your job? Are you tired of struggling financially? Then Turn Your Vocation into Your Vacation through "The 3 Step Formula" that enabled this once homeless 'van man' to become a Top Online Earner

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