Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How To Achieve Your Goals Quickly: Understand That Self-Sabotage Is Really An Illusion

The field of personal development is constantly growing to the point where it has grown beyond the domain of the metaphysical and new age people and into the mainstream; especially after many of the personal development gurus and books became popular. Now the concept that our lives are not at the mercy of fate, or some unknown force, but our own beliefs and thoughts, isn't instantly rejected as black magic or mumbo-jumbo. We see and hear terms everyday such as "Conscious Creation", "subconscious mind", "Personal Development", "Law of Attraction" and "Affirmations". These are ideas that those who want to make powerful changes in their lives make use of on a daily basis. However there are also terms we use on a daily basis that really dis-empower us and decrease our ability to create the life that we love, and the sad part is that we are unaware we are doing this to ourselves. These aren't the obvious phrases such as "I can't do this" or "I am stupid", but the subtle ways we think and speak that we don't realize have any affect on our experiences. The speed and success in which we can make these changes are based upon understanding the subtleties of language and how we are really motivated.

As we become more conscious of our subconscious beliefs, we begin to become aware of the beliefs we have carried throughout our lives that have not supported us in where we have consciously wanted to go. Because our actions are guided by our subconscious beliefs, our experiences and results are determined by whatever is in our subconscious, whether it supports our goals or not. As a result, we have labeled the actions we take that don't support us in reaching our goals as "self-sabotage". In reality, self-sabotage is an illusion. We are always supporting our goals through our actions.

"What are you talking about? How can you say that blowing a $100,000 deal was not self sabotage?" At least someone reading this article is saying something similar to this right now, so let me explain.

The definition of sabotage is the following: "Sabotage: any undermining of a cause" So when we say that we are sabotaging our selves, we are saying that we are undermining our own cause. This is where the illusion lies. At each and every moment in our lives, we are always supporting our highest priority or cause. Our thoughts, beliefs, actions and language all support us in receiving what is our highest priority, whether we are conscious of this or not. As a result, self-sabotage is not possible. The confusion is that we may not be aware of what our highest priority is because most of the time it is subconscious, so we are in the illusion that we are sabotaging ourselves.

Why is this subtle difference so important, yet so powerful in its understanding? When we understand that it is really impossible to sabotage ourselves. We can focus our efforts to change our lives to areas that will allow amazingly quick and seemingly effortless changes. Instead of spending our thoughts, energies and time on actions that focus on how we can stop the self-sabotage, we can focus on becoming conscious of what is our highest priority. For those of you who understand the Law-of-Attraction, you will know that focusing on what you don't want (stopping the self-sabotage), will create more of it, and further lock you into the illusion that you are somehow "messing yourself up".

When you concentrate on becoming consciously aware of what your highest priority is, you can choose to change you highest priority to make it more in alignment with what you consciously desire. The subtle power in this approach is that is all it takes. You are already built to automatically support your highest priority, so everything you do will change automatically to support your newly created highest priority. This is why the results that you will experience in your life will seem almost effortless when you consciously change your highest priority.

The power in understanding this subtlety is tremendous in its simplicity. All you have to do is become conscious of your highest priority and then, alter that priority to support what are your conscious desires. When you become conscious of your highest priority, you can catch yourself when emotions and beliefs come up that don't support your desired goals, and diffuse the emotion right on the spot. This process produces faster and more powerful results than using only vision boards, affirmations, etc. This subtle understanding also explains why tools such as affirmations and vision boards don't work for some people. If your subconscious beliefs don't fall in line with what you have on your vision board, or what you are using in your affirmations, they won't work because these tools only focus on what is already in your belief system, both conscious and subconscious. It is when your subconscious and conscious beliefs are in alignment is when they become very powerful tools.

The key to rapid personal transformation is in the subtleties. Understanding the subtleties and using tools that support the subtle concepts of how we really operate within the world and within ourselves allows huge changes in our own transformation and growth. The understanding that we are already "wired" to automatically support our highest priority means we don't need to focus on changing HOW we support ourselves (focusing on stopping self-sabotage). Instead, we can focus on becoming aware of WHAT we are supporting within ourselves, which makes a huge difference in the speeding up our own growth process. This subtle understanding of "self-sabotage" takes us out of the mindset of self-judgment, and into the mindset of being unconditionally responsible, which allows us to accept our unlimited power, and use it to support what we desire in our lives.

Do you struggle with creating the life of your dreams? Frustrated that the "Law of Attraction" doesn't work for you, but seems to work for everyone else? You don't have to continue to struggle and feel left behind, because the answer is simple once you have this powerful understanding. Take action now to have a life of ease and abundance at http://thechoiceismine.com
Access additional information at: http://veroniqueinc.com

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