Saturday, March 30, 2013

4 Things That Bring True Happiness

How does one find true happiness? Is it found in the accumulation of power, wealth and fame? Is it in finding the love of your life, or having a beautiful family? Or will a good and fulfilling job bring you the best type of happiness?

When you come to think about it, people are faced with different sets of circumstances and situations, yet each one manages to find joy in whatever they are given. What may seem important to one, may have no value to another. What may be fulfilling to some may be frustrating to another. So how does one find true happiness?

Happiness is something you design in the present, for enjoyment in the future. But before you can be truly happy, you must feel joy from within. Below are some ways you can achieve that elusive inner joy.

Focus on things that truly matter. You only got one life to live - stop focusing your energies being busy, lonely and miserable! There are a lot of things that will irritate you, test your patience and cause you to be angry - but you must realize that these things are temporary. Stop focusing on problems. Start imagining all the beautiful things in your life which truly matter. Like the old saying, "stop letting things that don't matter, matter." Do this and you will find yourself infinitely happier.

Embrace life's challenges. There will be lots of detours in life which will make your journey longer, and harder. But you must realize that all these little things help you learn valuable lessons in life. It may be confusing and disorienting at times, but it challenges you to achieve things which you never knew possible. Only until you've gone through the worse will you know how to deal with the hurdles thrown your way. It may actually be enlightening to see yourself through difficult times, because you are forced to go beyond your personally-set limitations.

Limit your time with negative people. The surest way to become miserable and unhappy is to surround yourself with people who are even more unhappy! Remember the saying, "misery loves company?" Well, it's because anybody lonely will become lonelier when with another miserable person. You will feed off each other's unhappiness… so scoot and go find yourself the happiest people you know. They will truly convince you that there's more to life than frowns and scowls.

Accept what is, and live for the possibilities that lie ahead. Are you the type of person who keeps on thinking about what happened in the past? Well, no matter how long you spend staring at your past, there's no changing it anymore. Accept the now, and look into the possibilities that are in front of you. Stop thinking of what would have, could have and should have - think of reality, and move on from the past. Remember, if something was never meant to be, then it really won't.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets of a Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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