Sunday, March 17, 2013

Success Development - Are You Trying Too Hard To Be A Success In Life?

Are you working too hard on your success development? Do you want to be a success in life so badly that you are driving yourself relentlessly? Are you starting early, finishing late and working through without any breaks - and it is starting to tell? If you are not getting enough sleep and constantly pushing yourself to the limit, and you are not satisfied with your progress, this could be one of the reasons.

Here are some reasons why tiredness will hinder your success development:

1. It can bring on a "don't care" attitude. This can affect the way you work towards your goals by not caring enough to make the extra effort to follow through on parts of you plan or only taking half-hearted action or taking no action at all. It is a mental shrugging of the shoulders, as if it does not matter. If it happens occasionally, that's all right, but if it happens frequently it will undermine your progress and, in the end, destroy your motivation.

2. It can cause fuzzy thinking. When you are tired it is much harder to think matters through in a reasoned way. Some decisions can be critical to your success development. You need to consider them when your mind is fresh. It is hard enough to make good decisions with a fresh mind, let alone with a tired one.

3. It can increase your stress level. You can over react to ordinary situations. The ordinary pressures of the day can be blown out of proportion so that a situation you would normally handle easily turns into a major incident. This can affect your work and your private life.

4. It can contribute to health problems. Poor sleeping habits have been linked to overweight, acne, high blood pressure, stress and a number of other ailments. It follows if you are not well, you cannot perform at your best. It is somewhat self-defeating if you are working towards your success development and failing in an essential part of your life.

5. It can lower your productivity. While you may be going at a furious pace and working very hard, you can be less productive because you are less efficient. The only machinery you have to work with is you mind and body. Unless you strike a balance and rest and nourish them properly, they will not perform efficiently.

Set some limits for yourself. Decide on a start and finish time for each day. Allow for some short breaks during the day and finish early enough to eat a proper meal and to get enough rest. On the days you simply cannot avoid working excessive hours, make up for that the next day by starting later, finishing earlier or having a quiet time during the day. Part of your success development is learning to strike a balance between work time, play time and family time. It is likely you will not feel you are a success in life until you are satisfied with your performance in all these areas.

Part of becoming a success in life is about getting the balance right. Get some help on your success development by visiting William Burnell has built and sold his own business, and he has run successful sales teams. He knows what it takes to set goals, stay motivated and achieve your objectives.

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