Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Do You Beat Yourself Up?

"A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval." -Mark Twain

I think we have all been victims of our own self-abuse. I know that may sound harsh but in a way we become so used to our self-criticism that we don't look at it as an extreme; like abuse. But, when you think about it, when you think about some of the things people say to themselves, if they were to say the same things to another person you might consider their words rude, mean, disrespectful and abusive.

For instance let's take some of the things that I've heard people say to themselves, about themselves, and flip the script for sake of making this point. Instead of saying these kinds of self-deprecating things about yourself let's say the same words to someone you know and love. Be it your daughter, son, nephew, niece, friend or whomever.

Pretend you're saying the same things that you say to yourself, about yourself, to someone else.

Instead of saying, ' I', replace it with 'You.' For example: You're so fat. What's wrong with you? You're so stupid. No one will ever love you. You made so many mistakes. You will never meet anyone. You're too old and washed up. You're ugly. You're a loser. Your wrong. Your body is disgusting. No one likes you. You're going to be alone forever. You'll never become anything in life. Etc.

Now think for a second. If you heard someone saying this to their child or spouse or whomever you would feel a sense of outrage wouldn't you? You would want to go over and set this bully straight with your own choice words and let them see what it's like to be picked on.

You would want to protect and comfort the victim and let them know that what this person is saying and doing is wrong.

Well, that bully is you and the person being picked on by you, is you. Make sense? When you start down a path of verbally beating yourself up stop yourself and start to be more loving, more accepting and more forgiving. Stop being so hard on yourself.

So what if you have a few pounds to lose or you aren't where you want to be in life yet. So what if you've made mistakes, who hasn't? What good does it do to beat up on yourself about it?

Everyone has things in their life that they would like to change, improve upon or get rid of. But, that doesn't mean you have to crucify yourself because things aren't the way you'd like them to be.

Begin to accept yourself just the way you are, exactly where you are in life, with all that you have and don't have. There are things you can change and there are things you can't change.

Understand the difference. Change what you can. Then leave the rest behind.

But beating yourself over the head about something is just the same as beating a small child over the head because they didn't get all A's on their report card.

Instead, you let them know that you're proud of them, embrace that they did their best and you focus on what they did accomplish not on what they didn't do.

It's the same with you. Get rid of the self-loathing speech that tears you down and begin to simply accept where you are along your journey through life and choose words that are loving.

If you want to change something badly enough you can. But there isn't anything good that will come from putting yourself down. It will only make you feel bad and keep you from really embracing and enjoying your life the way you were meant to.

When you are kind, respectful and loving to others you bring out the best in them. Do the same for yourself and see how good it feels when the bully is replaced with someone who builds you up and is loving toward you.

To find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now, go to: Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in Susan's new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

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