Monday, May 21, 2012

Vulnerability Is Truly Your Biggest Asset!

I was inspired this week by a 20 year old that I have been coaching philanthropically. He realized that if he just took ACTION in the face of his lack of confidence, self belief, self talk, that he would find the evidence he needed to experience a breakthrough. Prior to this he would have sold out to his inner critic. If a 20 year old can learn this stuff then any adult can too! The other thing I believe he is learning is that being 'vulnerable', sharing what's really going on, doesn't have to be as scary as he previously thought which got me to thinking about the topic of this article.

Evidence, contrary to what you previously thought, is all mighty powerful and can only be accessed through taking ACTION in the face of what you are telling yourself! This 20 year old recently came into one of my seminars with his mother and it was the first time we had a mother/son combination in the seminar. They both played full out and as a result I chose to take this young man on for I believed all he needed was support to turn the corner on a life that was previously creating a lot of pain for himself and his parents. Both of his parents now are in Coach Certification, they are such an inspiring family!

He is a phenomenal creative artist and on Friday he achieved something that was unrecognizable for himself. Part of the coaching was to identify what he wanted to achieve in a 12 week timeframe. We distinquished he wanted to have his own art exhibition, now planned for September, with 12 pieces of his own art. He is in the process of nailing his flyer, which he is designing. He wanted to get a job and starts Monday. He is keen to move out of home and get his own place. That's in progress. He wanted to work on his own self talk and confidence and this is where he is finding evidence all over the place through the art of taking action, being vulnerable and not getting off the court. He also wanted to create his own business card and on Friday he finished the artwork at 2pm, his mother assisted him to get his cards printed in time so that he could come to Freefall Friday (a community based support group for people who have experienced the Freefall Education which is held once a month for people to stay in the conversation, share, network, socialize) and distribute his cards. Can you imagine his elation when not only did he give his card out which was a tremendous achievement in itself but he nailed a number of graphic design assignments that evening. He got more evidence in a matter of hours for how powerful 'taking action and being vulnerable', was in generating what he wanted. His new goal that he shared with me that night was to have his own art studio - hilarious! The way he is going that will not be a problem!

Now we need to coach him on what to charge and how to manage all the work he is attracting as a function of who this young man is being. His email address is and he is in the process of designing his own website. So if you are interested in supporting an amazing young creative designer, I would love for you to email this young man and brief him on what you require, or just email him and say how inspired you are for teaching us adults a thing of two! He does his own commissioned art pieces, business cards, websites, graphic design etc, but this young man would be better placed to brief you on what he can do!

I coach a lot of people in their 30,40,50,60's and this young man in a matter of weeks since doing seminar has inspired me beyond words. He is doing things that those much older than himself still struggle to achieve. He like all of us has his moments but to witness his courage in taking action in the face of a powerful default (negative, disempowered listening) of himself is truly phenomenal.

So my question to you is this:-

• Where in your life are you hindered from sharing what's really there for you?

• If you, like this young man, found evidence through taking action and being vulnerable what do you think you could achieve?

• Do you think if you took action and experienced being vulnerable that it would produce the results you desire? If not, then this will be a function of your self belief and folks, beliefs always run the show

Be inspired by this young man this week and try on being vulnerable coupled with taking action, and find evidence contrary to what you are telling yourself! Believe you me, VULNERABILITY IS TRULY YOUR BIGGEST ASSET! Feel free to prove me wrong!

If you are interested in ending the procrastination in your life and taking action in a sustainable way, then contact one of the Freefall Team on 09 488 6764 or book in for a 1 hour free no obligation consultation session to hear more about the Freefall Experience Seminars - refer

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