Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Great Flirting Tips & Conversation Starters

First, what is 'flirting '? Well, if you break it down, it is a courting ritual-- sort of. You are experimenting-- to see if this person is suitable for ---------; whatever it is you are looking for: It could be for one wild experience, or it could be for a more stable relationship. Maybe you are looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend.

But, whatever it is you are searching, there are ways to attract women and techniques on how to flirt-- that will serve you well, regardless of the motivation of your 'hunt '.

The techniques that will never let you down are these:

• Look into her eyes-- but don't stare a hole in them. Keep them in place for 5-6 seconds. Any shorter time will make you look jittery. • Smile! This is a universal gesture that almost always is reciprocated. As long as it is not a goofy used car salesman (No offense intended for used car salesmen). In fact, a smile is probably the most important single element in your arsenal to make yourself attractive and approachable. Don't overestimate its value-- just don't overdo it. • Women-- Cross your legs. You know, or maybe you don't, that crossing and uncrossing your legs is very seductive. Just don't imitate a windmill. Subtle, does it - - but don't ignore this technique. It is time proven to be hugely valuable in the art of flirting. • Men-- Square those shoulders! Women like dominant men-- so stand tall! Take up a little space. Make your appearance known! • Now-- Pay attention! Not to me-- but to the object of your flirting. Focus! Let your eyes and/or attention wander and so will she/he. (This is an equal opportunity course on Flirting.)

Now, anyone can tell you the above-- and they often do. But, if you stop here-- he/she will stop at this point also. Do you know what you need? I'm going to tell you.

You need to follow up the above with some conversational skills - some good conversation starters. Unless your target is a mushroom - now is the time to actually converse. Get beyond the crossing of legs, and the squaring of shoulders.

Some kind of witty conversation that sets you apart from the rest. All the above is good, accurate, and important, but it doesn't stop there. It begins at this point.

Now, if you are looking for a mushroom-- maybe you don't have to read any further. But, if you are looking for more-- in all respects-- let's continue.

You know that in the old standby book - 'how to win friends and influence people 'the basics are pretty much there. The only things that have changed are the refinement of techniques-- due to the study of words, combinations of words-- and what effect they have on us.

So, by utilizing the new techniques-- you can become a supercharged individual -- who doesn't have to be stymied after using the cute little phrases and funny pick up lines-- that never work.

You will be a presence-- and you won't ever be alone - unless you wish to be so.

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site: both enlightening and entertaining.

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