Thursday, May 3, 2012

How To Get A Girlfriend - The Smart Way!

Here are the secrets that will tell you how to get a girl to like you. You will be amazed at how simple and effective they will be for you.

1. Don't use those canned phrases you see bandied about-- You are way too good for those 2. Won't hurt to let her know that you are available-- but, don't be in a hurry to do so 3. Now, give her compliments-- but only sincere compliments (more on this later) 4. Be assertive-- women don't like wimps 5. Be a good conversationalist-- (more on this in a moment) 6. And, make her laugh!

This is such a simple rule to follow - and yet we see it being violated constantly. Do not act needy. That is a kiss of death in the act of getting a woman attracted to you.

That is not how to get a girlfriend, or how to attract women!

So, one secret to 'how do I get the girl 'is: Don't be over eager!

You know that women attract men by acting aloof from all approaches, and the fact is that men should emulate that part of them. If you act needy-- even a bit-- you might as well leave and wait for the next dinner party. Because, you have already struck out at this one.

How do I get the girl? Well, let's review the 3rd point above. You know that pretty women-- really attractive women-- have compliments (both sincere and insincere) thrown their way constantly-- and so are very accustomed to flattery.

So, stop yourself from doing it. They would likely consider it fawning anyway. So, distance yourself from the obvious reaction of complimenting her - and you will be rewarded handsomely by standing out from the crowd.

Whatever compliment you can think of-- they have heard countless times before. Your lack of fawning flattery will be noticed by its absence.

However, a darn good strategy will be to compliment them (again, only if it is sincere) on something other than their appearance. For example, you can comment on the polite way in which they handled the waiter's mistake, or some similar occurrence.

Now, if you can't think of a sincere compliment that it not centered on their attractiveness, say nothing! It will pay you dividends later.

Now, in reference to the 5th point above-- this is really the core of 'how to get a girl '. You must realize that the air of supreme confidence is a heady aphrodisiac for most women. That is accomplished primarily by being a skilled conversationalist. When you can converse in a witty confident way, that alone will set you a mile ahead of the other guys.

And you can acquire this art. It is well worth the effort-- and will never stop paying you huge dividends as long as you live.

There are few contributors to your sense of well-being, or self-confidence than this ability of conversing well and wittingly. That alone will keep your confidence sky high - and it will show in everything you do.

Remember, that you too are a very special person!

And, one item that is too easy to forget-- Don't be too 'nice '. Ask anyone who has been successful with women-- and they will tell you without exception-- that women like 'fun and passion 'much better than 'nice '.

So, bottom line is really this: Don't sell yourself short-- stop being 100 % logical-- and start being 'fun '. Before you know it-- the aloof gal who wouldn't look at you twice - will begin showing real interest.

You will have arrived!

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site: both enlightening and entertaining.

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