Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mastery Of The Inner Critic

I feel so disheartened by the lack of awareness around the 'inner critic' dialogue. There are many books on the market which will teach you how to manage your inner critic and or co-ordinate yourself around the inner critic but there are NO books that I know of that teach you how to SILENCE and subsequently MASTER your inner critic, until now. This is where I specialise. I have a question for you: Who would you be if you never heard your inner critic voice (disempowered internal dialogue)?

I have used the photo of Semagol from Lord Of The Rings - I believe it is a good representation of the 'inner critic' in true life form. Gotta have a sense of humor don't we. I used to have the worst inner critic one could ever imagine, 24/7 for 30 odd years and now I am pleased to say I now teach people how to silence their inner critic for good, yes, for good.

I am standing for 'Mastery of The Inner Critic', to be a core curriculum in the schooling system. I cannot believe it is not a key focus for to be human is to have an inner critic, no one talks about it and yet it annihilates human potential. It is bad enough that I witness 30,40,50+ year old clients who have been hindered by their destructive inner critic dialogues for decades, but I am more concerned about our young people who have no idea how to deal with their inner critic voices in their heads.

When your inner critic voice is at full volume you are in REACTION. One who is aware is able to observe the voice in these moments and RECOGNISE that they are feeding some level of past and or future based projection. The wise one EVALUATES where the inner critic dialogue is coming from and can then shift their SENSATION by reconnecting with what they are motivated by to then shift their REACTION. It takes practice but I am here to tell you it is possible. If you have not silenced your inner critic you have not healed your past. To reach the level of unconscious competency in this lifetime is a function of being aware moment by moment where your thoughts are focused. You are a function of your thoughts - I have said it before and I will say it again 'How many books do we need to read that state 'Be careful what you think for your thoughts create your reality', yet we as humans are not disciplined on training out thought structures.'

There are only 4 frequencies that disempower a human, FEAR, ISSUES/PROBLEMS/CHALLENGES, INNER CRITIC and CONFUSION. Once you become aware that all these frequencies are but destructive past and or future based projections you are able to commence the journey home to leading an intuitive life. WE as humans have moments of intuitive insight but few live there.

Some cannot imagine a world beyond their inner critic - some challenge me (nice try), and state that their inner critic has got them where they are today - I am not discrediting that but there are more powerful ways to motivate yourself to succeed than this destructive voice and I for one am committed to teaching people there is another way.

Top 10 Tips To Silence Your Inner Critic

1. COMPASSION - What have you done that has deserved decades of self abuse? End the vicious cycle by becoming aware that this voice indeed can be silenced

2.SELF LOVE, SELF WORTH, SELF VALUE - if you truly love yourself you would not treat yourself so destructively. Honor who you are and honor your life apprenticeship to this point by believing things could be different

3.COME HOME - find a photo of yourself between the age of 3-5 years of age - until you silence your inner critic know that you are child abuser of this child, who by the way did nothing wrong - if this is not enough of a wake up call I do not know what is

4. MEANING - Suffering is only a function of adding meaning - realise that the inner critic voice is not real, it is only a manifestation of feeding past and or future destructive, cyclical, thought patterns. End the suffering today

5. STOP HURTING YOURSELF - Some books profane to wear a rubber band on your wrist and that you should flick it each and every time you hear your inner critic - this is ludicrous! Have you not inflicted enough pain on yourself over your life time?

6. YOU ARE THE ADULT NOW - Each and everytime you are hearing your inner critic you are in child mode, not operating as the aware adult. Take your power back and know that the inner critic can not exist if you do not feed projections instilled from childhood

7. BECOME PRESENT TO YOUR LITTLE GIRL/BOY - I have a photo opposite my computer where I work, I look at my little girl photo everyday and am very present to the 30 years of hell I put her through, yes I put her through. I became my own worst perpetrator. I did this to myself. So when people ask me how did I silence my inner critic I tell them I am completely aware of the costs of 30 years of self abuse

8. LIVING INTUITIVELY - when you silence your inner critic, which I have for the past 10 years you learn to live an intuitive life. People have moments of intuitive insight as I have stated above but to live there is nirvana. We were born intutive, fearless and connected, come home to what is your birthright

9. GET PRESENT TO THE COSTS - Easy for those who have children. If you would not verbally abuse a physical child why then do you do this to yourself. The only way you can truly experience reconnection to who you truly are (devoid of your inner critic voice) is to get present to the costs of this destructive voice

10. MASTERY - If you state you are spiritual and yet experience an inner critic dialogue then you are not walking spiritually. To walk spiritually is to master your internal dialogue and come home to yourself so that you can once again hear your intuitive channel

If you are finally ready to silence your inner critic for good then contact one of the Freefall Team on 09 488 6764 or book in for a 1 hour free no obligation consultation session to hear more about the Freefall Experience Seminars - refer

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