Saturday, May 5, 2012

Three Basic Moves To Learn Ways To Play The Guitar

With the likes of Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana and Brian May for inspiration, you will want to know how to play guitar like the pros, too. At first, you will be intimidated because the guitar appears to be so difficult to master so much so that only the truly talented can rise to the challenge. Fortunately, everybody must start at the beginner level even those whom we idolize for their guitar skills.

The trick is in knowing where to start in your journey on how to play guitar like the pros. We suggest starting with holding the guitar, holding the pick and picking the guitar strings in the correct manner. With such a foundation, you will find learning how to play guitar so much easier and faster, not to mention more enjoyable.

Let us discuss the proper way to hold a guitar. You should be sitting on an armless chair so you have room to move while playing said instrument. Sit on the chair as comfortably as you possibly can 'no slouching lest your lower back starts to feel the strain. Keep in mind that a relaxed body is essential in making beautiful music with a guitar.

Pick your guitar and hold it to yourself. The guitar should be positioned in this way: Its body makes contact with your stomach and/or chest while the bottom of its neck is parallel to the floor. Of course, the thickest string is closest to your face while the thinnest string is closest to your lap.

In learning how to play guitar, your first skill should be holding the pick in an appropriate manner. Your fingers can do the job but its always best to use a pick especially when you intend to practice for hours at a time.

It should be noted that your 'picking hand', as it is called, is the one nearest to the guitar's bridge. Open your 'picking hand' so that its palm faces you. Close your 'picking hand' and make a loose fist while making sure that your index finger is beside your thumb. Then, rotate your 'picking hand' such that the knuckle of your thumb is facing you.

Your second skill in learning how to play guitar is picking the guitar strings. Yes, you may be able to read the notes on a musical piece or know how to position your fingers for the chords but if you pick the guitar strings in an incorrect manner, your efforts will be for naught.

Start with finger picking. Its basic principle is: The index and middle fingers handle the treble notes with the ring finger also sometimes pitching in. The thumb deals with the bass notes. Keep your fingers perpendicular to the guitar strings for better picking of the strings.

When you have mastered these three basic moves, you can start to learn to play guitar like the pros. Just practice for as long as you possibly can and you may well be the greatest guitarist of your generation.

If you need details about how to play guitar then you should check out this link: . You can also find out about the tips to learn to play guitar right here at this link: .

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