Sunday, May 27, 2012

Can Good Flirting Tips Overcome Shyness?

In the 'how to flirt 'arena '-- the big spoiler is shyness. Shyness is usually the result of a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. Shyness can really ruin the 'how to flirt' arena. It acts as a big spoiler.

But, if this describes you - don't think you are alone. Just know that there are painless ways to overcome shyness. One key element is to care less. Strange statement, isn't it?

`Caring less' takes all of the stress out of you - and you become more charming, and care free.

Hey, have fun in the flirting arena. See if these suggestions will help. Actually, I know they will.

• Be who you are. You don't have to pretend to be something or someone you aren't. You are special in your own right.
• Don't really care what kind of impression you are making. As long as you adhere to the standards of:

o Courtesy
o Thoughtfulness

Don't worry about anything else. The first rule of flirting for shy people is: 'Don't try too hard. 'In fact don't try at all! Just be your friendly self. You know-- trying too hard sends out a signal of being desperate, and that is precisely what you don't want to do.

Remember this: That great guy or gal that has no peer in your eyes right now-- will appear again and again. Don't worry about this special one. There are tons of 'special ones '. By you not caring, will automatically make you more desirable. Sounds strange, I know --- but, it is true. Don't care too much.

Isn't this great? You don't have to try so hard. Just relax-- be yourself-- and have fun!

Now that you know you don't have to really work at it-- don't hesitate to initiate conversations. You know, that good conversation starters will open many a door for you-- and it can be so easy!

Most shy people berate themselves-- and just sit and worry about their low self-esteem. Don't let that happen to you.

Be friendly-- and that will be your first step in 'how to flirt '. As you display your friendliness, you will feel more comfortable. As you become more comfortable-- you will find that flirting is just a step away.

One of the secrets is to meet extroverts. You will be amazed at how their overwhelming self-confidence will begin to wear off on you.

There are easy tips to follow such as:

• Lock eyes-- for 5-6 seconds (no more than that)
• Smile • Concentrate on what the other person is saying

But, the main things are:

* Be yourself
* Relax,
* Have fun, and
* Don't care too much. (The next great gal or guy is right around the corner)

But, does this mean that is all there is to it?

No, not by a long shot!

When you follow the simple steps above - and in addition, take advantage of wonderful programs to really make your self-confidence soar - things will change for you in a big way!

Then, you can really begin to enjoy life to the fullest which certainly includes flirting-- you will kick your feelings of low self-esteem and shyness right where it counts-- right in the behind!

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site: both enlightening and entertaining.

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