Saturday, May 12, 2012

Secrets of Attracting And Dating HOt Women

Here's a simple question I want you to ask yourself:

"Do I Want to Date Hot Women?"

You know, that there is the average girl - who is OK. Then, there is the one who everyone stops what ever they are doing - and looks. That is the girl that most guys only dream about. Almost every guy I've met wants to date a woman like this ... Yet, most never have a chance!

Why's that?

Well, you know that most guys don't aim high enough - in any endeavor. That includes going after the sensational gal!

When most guys see a gal they will dream about later - they just don't have enough confidence to really think that she is a real possibility for them. Maybe for someone else - but not them! No way!

Allow me to let you in on a little secret ...

99 % of men make excuses when it comes time to approach a very attractive woman. Typically, they SETTLE for the woman they think they can get. Without even trying, these guys simply give up!

But there are a few - a very few - that have enough self-confidence not to be stopped by the same reluctance that others have; They have the courage and self-esteem to try!

So what's my point?

In order to "get" (and date) hot women, you have to take a chance!

To reword a famous quote by Wayne Gretsky, "The only time you have 0 % chance of success is when you don't take a shot!"

Now if you find yourself tongue-tied and unable to approach the beautiful women you see, then you should get to the root of your mental stumbling block. In fact, there is a two-step solution to this problem.

First, you need to create a POWERFUL mindset when it comes to women.

To get over this hump, you should create a list of affirmations that you review on a daily basis. These are sayings that you recite which create a positive state of mind. For instance, you could use affirmations that sound like this:

• "I'm a good looking guy" • "I can successfully approach women" • "I have a lot to say to women during a conversation" • "I am a fun, energetic guy"

With affirmations, you can REPROGRAM your mind to think in a positive manner that'll make you more attractive and interesting to women.

Affirmations will carry you only so far. You must acquire the right tools and techniques in conversing successfully with attractive women. Most guys simply don't know how to talk to them.

Honestly, creating attraction with an uber-hot girl comes down to ONE thing: Knowing how to flirt. If you can flirt, you speak to girls on a level that most guys fail to understand.

Flirting isn't about asking questions. And it's not about seeking rapport. In fact, flirting can be quickly created by avoiding statements that guys often use to establish a common interest.

In essence, flirting is about creating sexual tension. It's that delicate balance between teasing a woman, while making her work for YOUR attention.

So if you want to attract (and date) a hot woman, the best way to make an impression is to NOT compliment her or do what other guys do. Instead boldly approach her and find a way to create that sexual tension that's necessary for all flirting conversations! You'll find that subtly teasing and bantering is one of the BEST ways to attract even the hottest girls around.

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site: both enlightening and entertaining.

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