Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4 Must-Dos If You Want to Make Room for Prosperity in Your Life

It sounds odd, but you can actually NOT have room for prosperity in your life! Unfortunately, prosperity is kept out of your life by physical and emotional blockages - like things that have fallen into disrepair, neglect, or have just grown stagnant. If you want to have a life full of prosperity, you have to get those things out your life and invite prosperity in.

It's no different than inviting a friend over for dinner and having a bunch of boxes and junk piled up in front of your door. Your friend won't be able to get in, no matter how much he may want to - and no matter how much you want him to come in.

So, how do you get rid of the blockages that are keeping you from living a life of prosperity?

1. Clean up the mess - literally.

Take a look around. What do your physical surroundings say about you? Is your house a mess? Is your car full of clutter? Living, working, and travelling in a mess can make you feel depressed and lethargic - two emotions that are surefire prosperity-killers.

Luckily, a thorough cleaning can get you started on the road to prosperity. By taking action, you're empowering yourself. And, as an added benefit, you can feel even better about yourself by donating some of your unwanted stuff to charity.

2. Take a look at your financial life.

Are you throwing away money? You could be, by subscribing to magazines you don't read anymore or being a member of online groups you don't visit anymore. Even by letting your bills become past-due, you're wasting money on interest payments.

Financial blockages can feel like the hardest to overcome, but they don't have to be - especially when you see how easy some things are to fix. In fact, doing something as simple as balancing your checkbook can be the perfect way to start!

Depending on your situation, you may not be able to solve everything right away. But by coming up with a plan - like establishing a payment plan with your creditors or starting a savings account - you can start to feel better about your financial situation.

3. Work towards "emotional balance".

Clinging to old relationships or hanging onto grudges doesn't serve your highest good. Remember, if you want to let prosperity in, you need to eliminate the self-defeating habits. You need to stop feeling aimless and you need to establish a stronger spiritual connection.

If something is detracting from what you really want or making you feel dissatisfied in any way, get rid of it. If you can't totally eliminate it from your life, make some proactive changes so it doesn't have as much of an impact on you.

4. Be firm.

All of your blockages have developed over time and due, in large part, to bad habits. If you're truly serious about letting prosperity into your life, you're going to have to disregard the emotional attachments you have to this physical and emotional clutter. If you don't hold firm in your desire to get rid of these blockages, you'll always be held back by them!

While undertaking something like this might seem easier said than done, it doesn't have to be overwhelming. In fact, once you set the wheels in motion, you'll find inviting prosperity in to be downright exhilarating! The harder you work at making positive changes, the more good things you'll start to see flowing into your life. It may seem like magic, but, in reality, it'll be because you made room and allowed them to come in!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the creator of Tony Mase's Inner Circle "Fast-Track Coaching" - a hard hitting, no-holds-barred website that'll teach you step-by-step and click-by-click how to really succeed in life. Check it out now at: http://www.tonymasesinnercircle.com

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