Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Steps To Create Your Dream

There's a huge difference between dreaming and doing. A dream is an aspiration, something you strive for… while doing is actually working on its achievement.

However, one without the other is useless. Without a dream, our actions are pointless, and without action, a dream remains unfulfilled.

But oftentimes, we dream of things which are not really important - temporary, fleeting aspirations which do not make us better people. Remember that a dream is like a goal - a destination you plan to reach. To make our lives more worthwhile, having relevant dreams are necessary, and purposeful - not only for us alone, but for people around us, too.

How does one create an ultimate dream? Here are 3 steps.

Define your wants and needs. Look into your innermost self and think of what would really make you happy. Will it be a long-lasting happiness which will not only complete you as a person, but help the others around you as well? Is it a selfish dream, or a dream that will benefit a lot of people?

There is nothing wrong with being selfish with your own dream, and if it will only make you and you alone happy. But remember, its fulfilment must not hurt the people around you. You must never step on others' toes to get what you want. For example - you dream of being the head of your company, but doing so will mean pushing the current head off his position, resulting in loss of earning power so needed by his young family.

That's not really a great dream. Try to dream with others in mind - it's the kinder thing to do, plus its achievement will actually leave you feeling happy and contented - not guilty and self-absorbed. Once you come up with an idea of what that dream is, then to fulfil it, you must:

Have a vision. Picture yourself enjoying success in the fulfilment of your dream, and let this be your ultimate encouragement. Savouring the fruits of a dream that came true can persuade the mind, spirit and body to work together towards its achievement. Believe that you will be successful. Remember that what your heart desires has the power to manifest into reality. Anchor your dream into your subconscious, so that every moment you live is directed towards its fulfilment.

Face it, and eliminate all distractions. Your number one distraction will be fear or procrastination. Fear, because it will cripple you and make you believe that you cannot do it, and procrastination - because setting aside your dream for a later time will eventually lead to non-action, or possible complete non-recall.

Once you forget about your dream, it will be very hard to get back on track towards its achievement. Also, all the passion and determination quickly goes away, and so do all your visions of you enjoying its fulfilment. It is possible that your own personal fears are those which pushed you to procrastination. Lesson: if it's really your desire and want, then nothing should stop you - not even your own negative mental self-talk and doubts.

A dream must never remain a dream. It should not be reality only when you go to sleep. Use it to encourage you to create a destiny you always be proud of. Convince yourself that it will be real - not just a mere collection of wants and desires. It's not easy to fulfil it, but it is that will make your life exciting and purposeful.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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