Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How Can I Get Girls?

The following is a true story ...

The other day I was hanging out with my buddy Joe. During the course of the evening, we met a couple of attractive girls around where I live.

I was getting pretty wound up. One was really cute, and one of the girls seemed to like Joe. Actually, I felt she was sending him some pretty strong signs. All Joe had to do was step up to the plate.

So what happened?

Well, after spending about a half hour on the beach alone, Joe comes back with this girl who immediately tells her friend "We gotta go!"

Needless to say, this totally * interrupted * my night! Joe was aparently using some corny pick up lines, and they didn't work.

After the girls left, I asked Joe what happened. Here's an almost word-for-word description of what he said:

"Dude, we were walking hand-in-hand on the beach. I wanted to make sure she was interested in me, so I pulled out my cell phone and showed pictures of my kitten back home. Then I started talking about how much I love animals ..."

Why, Why ??

Here he was holding hand with an attractive girl ALONE on a beach and he starts talking about freakin' kittens !!!

This girl was practically giving him the "Kiss Me" signal and Joe decides that he needs to still work on creating attraction. Furthermore, instead of doing something that could increase the sexual chemistry, he pulls out the "nice guy" routine and even takes a step into "creepy guy" territory.

Now you might be wondering: "What does this have to do with me?"

Well this story about my friend Joe left me wondering about all the little things that guys do which hurt their success with women. And as I discuss on my website, you NEVER fail because of your looks, or financial situation or age.

It all comes down to your attitude whenever you're around a woman. Don't rely on some guy's ideas of some funny pickup lines for guys to use on girls. They don't work!

Truth is Joe failed because he thought that the girl wanted a nice guy, even though she was already interested in the fun, awesome person that he normally is. In essence, she wanted the fun, flirty guy that's naturally attractive to women. Joe failed because he second guessed his instincts and tried some lame gimmick. He probably used some corny pick up lines, and then failed to read her signs.

When you're around women, you don't have to do some elaborate routine just to impress her. In fact, all you have to do is know how to create the RIGHT kind of conversation.

I've found that a naturally attractive guy knows how to flirt. His conversation skills contain that perfect balance of fun versus seriousness. Furthermore this guy should be interested in a girl but not TOO interested.

To give you an example, here a few qualities of the attitudes that women WANT from a man:

1) He doesn't seem overly interested

2) He isn't afraid to tease and be a little playful

3) He acts like a gentleman, but is not a "Sugar Daddy"

4) He lives his life on his own terms

5) He takes bold action

Isn't this really the way you want to be? All you have to learn is to learn how to give women what they really want. And, it is really easily learned - and easily applied once you know the techniques.

In order to truly succeed with women, you have to embrace all the traits of a high status man. PLUS, you need to understand how to talk to women. This means flirting and creating that sexual chemistry that's necessary for creating attraction.

So don't be like my friend Joe. When you're talking to an attractive girl, focus on establishing that fun, flirty vibe that can quickly attract her interest.

Ron is a master communicator and has extensive experience in being in social situations where many are strangers to one another. It is this type of environment that offers the most opportunities at many levels. His sites deal with conversation in and around a Dinner Party environment. You will find his site:http://interestingconversationtopics.com both enlightening and entertaining.

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