Monday, September 10, 2012

The Characteristics Of Individuals With Euphoria

A person who may experience euphoria will enjoy the sense of being elated, extreme joy, delight that usually it will no longer relate with the recent circumstances. Many people may slip into a sudden euphoric state upon hearing great news from somebody, when in love and sometimes after specific important activities or situations like having a baby or love-making. There are also instances that euphoria may suggest an illness or substance use.

Many experts of treatment programs state that in many cases the euphoric condition may be pursued by a sudden massive come down, severe illness and even death. This feeling is simply experience by individuals who are under the influence of drugs, alcohol and other dangerous substances. Euphoria can be clinically associated with poisoning, intoxication and mental illness.

Those who are intoxicated or have taken large volumes of alcohol often experience the sense of euphoria. According to experts of inpatient treatment centers, alcohol and any types of drug when taken excessively can make an individual feel extremely elated and grand. These feelings have developed the desire for many drug and alcohol users to take more of the substances that often result in addiction. The most commonly recognized drugs that may put a person in euphoric state include cocaine, heroin, ecstacy and other kinds of illegal drugs.

The feeling of euphoria in a person can make him exceptionally poor in judgment and may sometimes lead to overdose of the substance used as the person desires more to keep the feeling. Sometimes when a person is exposed to materials and some synthetics like pesticides may also suddenly reach the state of euphoria. There are particular situations that achieving this feeling can be harmful to a person. One particular example is when inhibiting deep breathing, outside or inside a lovemaking context. This can be a very dangerous endeavor that often caused unintentional deaths.

People who have mental illness especially those with schizophrenics may have the sense of euphoria at times when they have delusions of grandeur. The feeling usually occurs when they become really ill but the condition is not what really causes the sickness. People who have bipolar disorder may also feel productive, overjoyed, extremely happy and positive or seriously delusional that they may no longer consider the negative situations when they are in a manic stage.

Other health conditions which are related to euphoria involve attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and age-related dementia. If you are worried about a person that seems to display extreme euphoria, try to convince him to see a health care provider.

Jose Smith is an author of several subject matters especially inpatient treatment centers in Vancouver and

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