Sunday, September 16, 2012

6 Ways To Get A New Attitude

Having a good attitude does not only make life more enjoyable for you to live - it also makes you easier to live with. Bad attitudes bring stress to both you and the people around you, so if you know you are not easy to get along with,. Then why not change it?

Among those considered as people with bad attitudes are: the drama queen, the self-pity princess, the silent type and the habitual complainer. Some of these we know we possess, so how do we go off changing ourselves and be a joy to others, for a change?

Here are 6 ways to start making a shift towards a better attitude.

Always look at the brighter side. We are so blessed in many ways, yet most of the time, we tend to highlight the bad, instead of appreciating the good. This is THE attitude that will always keep anybody unhappy - there's just no pleasing someone who thinks this way! The way to solve it is to stop thinking that things will go wrong, or will be bad - especially when they haven't happened yet. Believe that things will get better, and the bad times will pass.

Learn to be thankful for everything. Stop taking things for granted; appreciate even the little things that make you happy. Remember, only until you have lost something will you truly appreciate how important it is - so be thankful for all that you have, no matter how insignificant they may be to you or to others.

Remedy things which can be fixed. Too many people give up when things go rough. Instead of discarding what you already have which has been "broken," start mending and reviving them. This could apply to relationships, to the loss of self-confidence, or even when you are drowning in a pile of debt. Stop thinking of jumping out the window - there is hope for as long as you are alive. If your job is making you frustrated, then go look for one which will make you happy. If you are being bullied by friends, then either confront them or look for a new set of friends who will make you happier. Deal with issues first before giving up. If they cannot be fixed, then that's the time to learn to let go.

Smile! When you smile, you come off as pleasant in the eyes of others. People are drawn to you - wanting to be your friend, or even just an acquaintance. Fill your life with good vibes by smiling. You give others a positive impression, which in turn affects how they will interact with you.

Take time to enjoy life. Stop filling your life with too much activity that you no longer have time to enjoy your blessings. What use is your wealth, if in its pursuit; you leave no time to be with the important people in your life? Instead of working yourself into a tizzy, relax, take time to smell the flowers and ponder on the beautiful things in your life.

Remove yourself from negative environments. One of the surest ways to remain unhappy is to keep surrounding yourself with grumpy, hard-to-please, worry warts who complain a lot. There's a lot of truth to the statement, "you are the company you keep." You always have a choice between making do and trying to survive in a negative environment and changing your surroundings, and staying away from people with a bad attitude. Be wise - realize that for as long as you keep on doing what you have always done, then things will never change.

Michael Griffiths is the CEO and Founder of Secrets Of A Super Life, providing individuals with personal development strategies to increase their purpose, passion, happiness and life fulfilment. For your free life success pack please visit

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