Monday, September 10, 2012

Memetic Theory, Memetic Manipulation, Subliminal Awareness and Perception Steering

Memetic theory, memetic manipulation, subliminal awareness and perception steering all shape the ideas, aspirations and realities of our population. The idea of the 'original thought' is just that an idea and this idea is formulated by the steering of the above, now is this original thought? Man is just a minimized profile whose anxiety state contributes to the quantum vibrational field that he/she perceives to be the reality of the second. Man chooses a singular reality per microsecond based off an infinite number of scenarios and that reality is a building block based off of the experience of the previous which assists in the direction of the next.

Our population is being bombarded by neurological stimulants rooted in scent, taste, culture, Bernaysian propaganda, Socionics and all defined by the Darwinist Memetics that shape the emotional perception of ideas from the primal brain to the analytical section of the mind. The direction one chooses to take is based on one's emotional state at that split second which is triggered by the emotional elements that one feels which in turn is dictated by one's surroundings.

The surroundings of one are composed of endless contributors such as the concept of previous experience, current emotional state, scent, surrounding familiarity, breathing pace, temperature and countless other structured influences such as: Ad hominem, Ad nauseam, Appeal to authority, appeal to fear, appeal to, prejudice, bandwagon, black-and-White fallacy, plain folk, pinpointing the enemy, lesser of two evils, euphemism, euphoric state, disinformation, flag-waving, glittering generalities, half-truth, vagueness, obtain disapproval or Reductio ad Hitlerum, oversimplification, testimonial, name-calling, repetition etc.

Any and all of the above can be created with minimal comprehension of a groups psychological profile, Jungian Character types and media cooperation for reinforcement. The notion that America's population is not a controlled microcosm of blind folded automatons is laughable to say the least. Patriotism, bandwagon and social acceptance are the most relevant strategies to control a population and rule the existence of our populace.

Edward Bernays was the 'it' man of his time because he took into consideration the fact that man is not rational and that when led to the crossroad of buying out of necessity and buying out of 'want' a man would pay more for added luxuries stimulated by the behavioral economic side promotion. Nowadays, 'Little Eddie' is a has been with archaic tactics that don't even come close to the comprehension of the unconscious we have today with mind science. "Little Eddie' now gets a grin and snicker by those in the trenches forcing the evolution of training man how to think.

James Scott is the CEO of Princeton Corporate Solutions, a corporate globalization and political strategies firm, PCS offers a unique blend of think tank, corporate and governmental communication strategies to expedite the facilitation of long lasting relationship building in these necessary sectors.

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