Friday, September 14, 2012

How To Have An Extraordinary College Application

Getting into college used to be simple. It used to be just a matter of good grades and good SAT scores. Now, colleges want to see you are well rounded, cultured, and that you go far beyond the call of duty in school. So, how can you set yourself apart when it comes application time? Here are a few ways.

Do programs abroad

Many people wait until they're already in college to study abroad, but if you really want to show you have something unique to bring to a college, do one or even a few abroad programs in high school. A great way to travel on the cheap is to do it through your school because, since they get group rates and arrange trips often, they get special deals with travel companies and can get you to far away places, on the (relative) cheap. To get the most out of your trip in terms of college application purposes, do something useful on the trip like philanthropy work somewhere, or make a documentary of the trip. This demonstrates that you have an open mind, don't discriminate, are brave and want to learn about the world.

Win awards

If you've always sort of dabbled in an extra curricular activity, it's time to pump it up and get some awards for it. If you've taken casual singing lessons, start seeing that voice coach more often and going to competitions. If you're an artist, start entering your masterpieces in shows. It's a bit depressing when you don't have anything to put in the "awards" field on a college application. Set aside time to do such things, even if all you want to do is hang out with your friends. Get singing tips online or go to night time sculpture classes. Do what is necessary to stand out amongst the thousands of applicants.

Get real in your essay

The essay is crucial. It shows you're able to think about what you know and reflect on yourself. Be honest and open in your essay. Don't be shy about writing about difficult experiences in your life. Remember: these are adults reviewing your essay. They've seen hardships. They won't think you're strange or emo for getting deep. They'll think you are mature. If something truly traumatic or painful took place in your life, write about how it's altered your outlook on life. You'll be admired for it.

Vera Esther is a healthy living, dating and luxury lifestyle writer. She has blogged about everything from organic wine tasting to online dating to taking cyber singing lessons on .

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