Friday, September 7, 2012

Paradigm - How To Shift It, and Why It Is Important

A paradigm shift can be defined as a major or significant change in the basic assumptions or rather in the belief of any particular person. This can make a difference in the perception of a person by forever influencing their thoughts and the way they react.

A very good example of a paradigm shift can be given by tending to the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Everybody knows that Mary was born and raised as a Jew. When she had her son Jesus Christ, the christian messiah she needed to change. Therefore, as the result, she converted herself into Christianity when she was guided to do so by her son. This conversion of religion has a huge impact on ones belief system. Mary's paradigm was shifted and she broke through any limiting beliefs and became a christian.

The paradigm shifts are very crucial to humans. Everything we do is based upon the way we feel or think and our feelings are based upon everything we see. A paradigm shift is needed for you to have the break through you so desire. In any aspect of life, you current reality is a reflection of your belief system. If you are poor, you believe this to be true and so it stays, however it is just as easy to be rich, if not way easier. It is all a mind set, and once you gain control of your thoughts, and take actions towards change; you will see improvements in any area needed.

The paradigm is made up of your conscious and subconscious mind. Conscious is while you are awake and can differ from reality and what you tell it. Your Subconscious mind is what is at work while you sleep, that is why dreams feel so real, is because they can't differ from what is happening in your dream to waht is reality. This is a crazy concept, and once you understand how to create your life through means of intentional thought, you can manifest anything you so desire.

The bottom line: Expecting new results from the same actions is the definition of insanity!

Now if you are ready to make a change for the better and actual step your life into high gear, so you can actually enjoy each day… Then its time to make a decision.

You could either keep being a wussy, and keep slaving away at your job for somebody else to get rich.

OR you could just cut the bullshit, jump on board and intentionally create the destiny you so rightly deserve!

Who wouldn't want to create their own life intentionally?

You cant wait around forever,

PS: Who tells you what to do? I hope the only person is you.

I want to control my life too!

Tyler Hilderbrand owns
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