Saturday, September 8, 2012

Over 50 Female and Dating? Don't Let These 5 Mistakes STOP You From Finding Your Mr. Right Online

Copyright (c) 2012 Lisa Copeland

Online Dating requires skills and tools to successfully "find the man of your dreams at a dating site." It is possible for this to happen but only if you stop sabotaging your dating efforts with these 5 Mistakes so many women over 50 are making in the dating arena. Plus you'll also discover what you can do instead to make online dating work quickly and easily for you.

#1-Only Viewing Profiles of Really Good Looking Men Online

Ok, we love the beautiful people because lets face it-their looks rub off on us making us look and feel better about ourselves. Just standing next to them makes us feel like our value goes up doesn't it?

The problem with the best looking people online is they are the 'popular kids' and everyone wants to be with them. It doesn't mean they will make the best boyfriend, husband, or date. It just means they look good. Instead you might want to check out "Average Joe" who will probably try a lot harder to please you and that's what you want in a long- term relationship with a man!

#2- Judging a Book by its Cover

Yes, we do need to be attracted to a man to date him. Because of this, a lot of average looking men who might make great boyfriends get passed over. Remember the guy you've met who was just average until you got to know him?

As you discovered his personality, he started appearing more and more handsome to you. You might be passing up really great guys who just don't take a good picture. Before you throw 'Average Joe' away for his looks-read his profile to see if there is a common thread that might create a potential relationship between the two of you. You could end up having a lot of fun!

#3-Interviewing a Man on a First Date

First dates are for having fun. It's a meet and greet where the two of you start the process of getting to know each other. That's it. Yet, many women go into a first date with this huge pressure on their shoulders of having to figure out if this man is "The One."

Instead try just having fun getting to know the men you date and be sure to give them a chance beyond date #1. If you do, you may find you've found a wonderful new friend or even better -your next boyfriend or husband.

#4-Being an Online Pen Pal

It's smart to keep the emailing process to a minimum. An email relationship is a fantasy relationship and you could end up sharing a lot of information on a deeper level due to the false sense of security hiding behind your computer provides.

When and if you meet, you might find he's not the person you thought he was and you won't be happy you shared so much with him in those emails. It's better to keep emails to a minimum, shared phone calls to 1 or 2- then set a time to meet so you can see in person if this is a man you'd like to get to know better.

#5-Overlooking Men Who are Different From Your Usual Male Type

Do you have a male type you love to date? This doesn't mean he's the best man for you. In fact, this type may have made you miserable in your past relationships but it can be scary to get out of your comfort zone by dating someone different. Yet if you do, you have the possibility of finding a relationship that can make you really happy for the first time in a long time. How great would that be?

Brought to you by Lisa Copeland, The #1 Dating Coach for Women over 50," passionately spreading the truth about how much fun dating can be after 50. Claim your Free Report "The 5 Little Known Secrets to Finding a "Quality Man" when you visit

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