Saturday, September 22, 2012

Signs Of Bipolar Disorder And Drug Addiction: Understanding The Similarity

According to mental organizations in America, about 0.4 to 1.6 percent of the country's population is suffering from bipolar disorders. Bipolar I is characterized by some moodiness that include too much euphoria and over excitement or clinical depression. Typically, manic symptoms can be mistaken for the high sensation that is prompted by medications as drugs like amphetamines and cocaine provide same results to users.

Knowing manic symptoms is important so that a sufferer can be immediately diagnosed and provided with the right treatment. An individual has this symptom when he experiences a minimal need for sleep and food. While these symptoms can also be shown by those who abuse certain types of medications, some treatment centers experts say that the manic behavior can be caused by underlying chemical alterations that happen in the brain and this is different from the chemical changes that cause the same behavior that results from drug use.

Manic signs include steady talking. When an individual is at this state, his talking may not be disturbed and he will keep on talking no matter who are paying attention to him. This talk usually shows that the person is having the desire to relay what he has in mind. Moreover, a lot of what he said may not be clear or can't be followed because he may mention a certain subject and jump to another.

Additionally, an individual who is experiencing a bipolar disorder and exhibits manic habits can also get involved with impulsive behavior that has to do with taking pleasure. In particular, he may be engaged in unprotected sex with a lot of partners, gamble , shoplift or spend too much sum of money. Additionally, it is also most likely for him to be proud of doing these activities and feel optimistic about these. A lot of treatment centers experts point out that the brain's dopamine, which is associated with the satisfaction and pleasure sensations can be important in these symptoms of bipolar disorders.

If bipolar depression is noticed, help should be given right away. When the issue is neglected, it will become worse. When a family stays with someone who has a bipolar disorder, everyone may suffer from issues from work to relationships and health. Problems can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment.

It is necessary to consider; however, that bipolar disorder has to be addressed constantly for a long period of time. Because this condition is persistent and relapsing, the cure has to be continued even if the individual feels much better. A lot of those who have this condition demand drugs to avoid other episodes and be free from the signs and symptoms.

Jose Smith is a writer of various subject matters particularly treatment programs in Hollywood and treatment programs in Naperville

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