Sunday, September 9, 2012

How To Organize Your Life And Get What You Want

Sometimes life feels like a never ending fire drill. As soon as you take care of one problem, three more pop up. It's like we're running around reacting without ever having the chance to plan anything useful. Once you get into this habit, it's hard to get out of. We feel that if can only take care of this problem or that problem, we'll feel in control again. But they just keep popping up. Unless you break the cycle somehow, it's just going to keep getting worse and worse. The good news is that there is a simple method to stop the madness and take charge of your life.

The first step is to realize that there's more to life than running around and putting out fires. Life is not about damage control, it's about getting and achieving the things that you want. The problem is most of us don't have the time or energy to stop and think about things like this. To start, just realize that there's more to life. It is possible to create something from conscious thought rather than running around and reacting unconsciously. Knowledge is the first step.

After you realize there's something more, figure out what you want. If you could create anything you wanted, and you knew you wouldn't fail, what would it be? What would your ideal job be? What would your ideal relationships be? What would your ideal financial situation be? Where would you live? What kind of house would you live in? Take some time to journal about these questions.

Choose one thing you'd really like to have. Then figure out what is keeping you from getting there. If you had a magic wand, and could automatically and forever remove one major obstacle to your success, what would it be? What is the biggest thing standing in the way?

Once you've identified one or more major blocks, then get to work on overcoming them. What small steps could you take that would make them less imposing? What skills could you learn that would make it easier for you to deal with them? What minor changes could you make to your daily routine that would give you a slight edge over these obstacles?

It's easy to fill you mind with thoughts of how big and horrible these obstacles are. The more you focus on them, the bigger they'll seem in your mind. This will make them seem almost insurmountable. But when you focus on what you want to achieve, rather than what's standing in your way, you'll feel a lot more powerful and in control.

If you need any motivation, look back into your history. What major accomplishments have you achieved? How many huge obstacles were you able to get around? How many problems did you creatively solve in the past that got you where you are today?

When you take small steps, achieving almost anything is possible. Just figure out what out, figure out what's keeping you stuck, and take measures to minimize the obstacles and maximize your success. Keep your eyes on the prize and you'll be successful before you know it.

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