Saturday, September 15, 2012

Learn To Love Yourself: A Guide To Developing Self-Confidence

Face it. Most people just aren't completely satisfied with themselves. Whether it's because they don't look like their favorite celebrities or because they feel like their current jobs are lame compared to those of their closest friends, people are not always comfortable in their own skin. No matter what the reasons are for the insecurities, it's important to remember that life is not about comparing oneself to others. Self-confidence and happiness result from feeling completely comfortable with oneself. If there's one short and sweet piece of advice that can sum all this up, it's this: love yourself. Here are some tips to start feeling like a whole new person.

1) Exercise

One of the major reasons for low self-confidence is appearance. Many people are dissatisfied with their bodies and feel that they are too fat, too thin, not muscular enough, not pretty enough--the list goes on. Some individuals are so unhappy with how they look that they undergo numerous surgical procedures to try to "fix" themselves. Luckily, most self-image issues can be remedied by working out. Working out reshapes the body and makes people look and feel good. When a person looks great and gets the attention he or she wants, self-confidence will shoot through the roof.

Different workout routines will be used to achieve different goals. Those who are overweight should focus on losing as much weight as possible. Cardiovascular exercises like running or swimming are great for burning calories and cutting the fat. Resistance exercises will build muscle and add sexy curves and definition to the physique. Skinny individuals should focus on lifting heavy weights to build up mass and gain weight since muscle gives the body shape and makes it attractive.

2) Revise the wardrobe

Dressing inappropriately will definitely give people the wrong impression. A lot of self-confidence can come from revising one's wardrobe. While there's nothing wrong with having a preference for clothing styles, certain styles can bring unwanted attention. Others are simply unflattering for some body types.

The "appropriate" clothing depends on many different factors including body shape, where one works, current fashion trends, and more. Generally speaking, suitable clothes are those that fit correctly, somewhat fit in with the times, and are not too flamboyant or colorful. Dressing sharply and being overdressed is always better than dressing sloppily. When it comes to make-up and accessories, a little goes a long way.

3) Engage in more social situations

A large proportion of people who have low confidence are shy and introverted. Putting oneself into social situations where there will be a lot of group interaction would be good for building self-confidence. The more practice a person gets being around and talking with new faces, the more he or she will get used to social etiquette and the feeling of being socially-accepted. The shyness should go away with time, and an increase in self-confidence should follow.

4) Clean up presentation

Presentation definitely affects people's perceptions of an individual. While clothing makes up one part it, speech and mannerisms is another. First impressions mean a lot, and the way a person comes off initially can either draw in or repel others. To come off more confident and too boost one's own confidence, try to speak up when having a conversation with another person. Enunciating words clearly and using proper grammar will make a person seem more sophisticated and well-educated, which is always a plus. Eye contact is important as well because it is a sign of confidence and careful listening. Posture and body language matter too. People will respond more positively when these tips are taken into consideration, and future conversations will be much more engaging.

5) Strive for more in life

Some people feel like losers because they are stuck with a dead-end job or feel that they haven't done enough for their families, communities, or the world. The only thing that will fill this hunger for success and accomplishment is to go out and do more. Take a chance at doing things that have never been done or going to places that have never been ventured before. Continue to work towards making that ultimate goal come true because dreams can only get a person so far. Everything boils down to taking action, and nothing beats the satisfaction that comes with reaching a lifetime goal.

Women, you can learn how to gain confidence and love yourself more. Join with others like yourself on this journey. Our programs will teach you how to increase your self confidence as you learn from women who are experts at different aspects of living an empowering life joyously. Visit

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