Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Powerful Mind Has Unlimited Ability!

The mind is the gatekeeper of limitless powers! There have been many different studies and experiments to prove this. Take as examples, the Maharishi Effect which creates a positive effect in the surrounding environment when large groups of meditators, meditate simultaneously. Or Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiments with water crystal structure and positive thinking. One of the basic principles of the ancient tradition of Yoga is positive thinking. It is the theory behind, "The Secret" of how the mind has the power to manifest what is wants.

According to the World Bank's statistics at the time this article was written, there are currently 6,840,507,003 people in this world. Of course this number continues to shift every second that tics on, with the births and deaths of people, but one percent of this number is approximately 68,405,070 people. I believe our human consciousness continues to evolve and with this belief, I also trust that at least this many people practice some form of meditation. Just think about the power we possess as humans! If we were to collectively all meditate for world peace and the benefit of every living thing on the Earth at the same time, the energy we could create would be palpable!

There are many different applications of the power of the mind given besides the Maharishi Effect. For example, Dr. Masaru Emoto has done experiments with water. He has taken water samples from different sources around the world and frozen these samples to look at the structure of the water crystals microscopically. He noticed that depending on where the water samples came from, the crystal structure was different. In places of pollution and/or violence, the crystals were deformed with no particular structure. In water samples he retrieved closest to their natural source or places of peace, the crystal structure of the water formed perfect snowflake-like forms. He has done experiments to see if he could use peoples concentrated, directed, positive thoughts and love to change the crystal structure of the water samples that had deformed or no particular structure, which all proved successful!

The psychic power of the mind is more influential than we give it credit. The more we can focus our mind on something the more it comes into manifestation. That's the idea behind, "The Secret", that movie and book that everyone was talking about for a while a few years ago. One of the basic principles of Yoga is to think positive thoughts, keep the mind happy. You are what you think!

We can experiment for ourselves to awaken the mystic with in! We all have the ability to develop our sensitivity to become more perceptive, clairvoyant, telepathic, etc. The first step is to center, visualize and focus, then that focused energy will naturally merge into meditation. From a meditative mind wondrous occurrences happen such as lucid dreaming, remote viewing, which has been funded by the government, astral projection and more.

Meditating in a group will build more power and energy than meditating alone. You don't even have to be in the same room as the group or another person. I have experimented with friends and have felt the presence, power and energy of people meditating with me in other states! Before I go to sleep at night I test my skills at astrally projecting my spirit into other places and realms. There are teachers and guide books you can read to help you along the path. That is how I started. There is a Yogic truth that says we are only limited by our own thoughts! We are boundless in our true nature. In Tantra this freedom is called svatantriya, one of my favorite words! Wishing you all expansion beyond your wildest dreams!

Om Shanti (Peace)

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